Crop formulas - size to yield, ect


Hey guys, so this may seem like a nerdy question. But I am going over my records of plant info, and I am trying to figure out a formula for comparing plant size to wet weight of trimmed crop. I am doing this on my past grows so I can better understand the particular strain I am growing. For example.

If I have a plant that is 70cm tall and 52 cm wide, it was flowered for 55 days under 1000w hps, and has a trimmed wet yield of 366g. What would be a formula I could use to compare it to other plants. I am trying to figure out the effeciency of my space.
I have another plant that was 55cm tall and 70 cm wide, flowered for 62 days under 1000w hps, and has a trimmed wet yield of 278g.

Is there a formula that I could use to compare the two? Although one plant is smaller, I think it produced more weight for its size. I tried figuring overall volume of the plant to its weight, but that doesnt include days flowered and light source. Ive found the grams per watt, but I am trying to focus on is size to yield and factor in days flowered.

Any math wiz's out there would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
that's not much of a difference, really - bout a half ounce dry prolly less
you should get approximately 1 ounce per gallon of soil used, without regard to actual plant size - 1 week to set root, 10 days to veg, flower in 2 gallons or less
10 days to set root 15 days to veg, flower in 5-7 gallons
in rockwool, 1 ounce to 100 cubic inches of rockwool would be a decent avg i think
if you are vegging for 3 weeks or less you can use these numbers as a baseline for an avg grower and an avg strain under avg conditions
the magic occurs when you keep those 5 gallons of soil plants inside the same sq foot as the 1 gallon plant - then you get a much higher gr/sqft which is a much more efficient way of measuring your yield


Active Member
all plants will very... so there is no exact formula you could use for a specific plant because each and every seed is different. so if you lose the strain and try to get a cut from someone else it wouldn't be from the same seed so it will vary on results..


Active Member
on AVERAGE ..... i like my sativas to reach 12-15 inches in 2 gallons and bend them in half/ throw them in
indicas and hybrids i'll go 18 or 20 and bend in half/flower
i like to test a strain in 2 gallon bags or buckets