

Active Member
My dog got excited with the fireworks going off and rippped one of my plants.... i have a successful cloning method, should i take like 8 clones or try to repot?



Well-Known Member
Bad dog. BAD DOG!

It doesn't look that bad to me. Is the pot itself torn? The plant looks almost intact in that pic.

If it were me, I'd take a few cuttings anyway...but if the pot isn't ruined, just keep going with it. If it IS torn, you could probably repot successfully.

full of purple

Well-Known Member
Leave it alone. Put the soil back in wipe the dirt off the leaves and forget it ever happened.
If your dog does it again i would suggest fencing off your plants with chicken wire


Active Member
Doh!....jus replant it. It'll be fine.
Notice my dog was nibbling on some of my plants yesterday .. damn weed hound!


Well-Known Member
Doh!....jus replant it. It'll be fine.
Notice my dog was nibbling on some of my plants yesterday .. damn weed hound!
well animals often eat grass to ease their stomachs or make them throw up. imagine how well weed works compared to that with all its medicinal properties


Well-Known Member
Take a few clones for safe measure but im sure if you repot it will recover just fine.


Active Member
haha my american bull dog eats ANYTHING and everything! He will walk up and eat your lit cig outta your hand if your not paying attention! Im sure he needs the green to settle that stomach. damn billy goat!