Cut plant stem then back to 24h?


It may sound stupid, but can I cut a plant, end flowering, to 1foot and then vedge it again?
I'd like to save the plant a little longer so I could make seeds.(my source have depleted:-()
Or anyone have a trick for me?



you just took all my wories away! Have a nice day!

Can I let this poor mutilated 1foot tall lady in 12/12 and hope she self polinate?


Well-Known Member
A week before you harvest pull all bud sites off lower branches. Cut and clone a few. Place in 24h and make a few plants. Use 1 for seed and rest for your smoke. Same genetics and a better chance to get a living revag plant.


I currently have 3 clones but it's my first cloning attemp so i don't want to take any chance as non of them have rooted yet.
2 are in a home-made bubble cloner and the other is directly in dirt. I have used rooting gel.

Plus grow boxes are small and hidden :( (my bubble cloner is a


Well-Known Member
You can do what you said first. But a full plant reveg time is long. Cloning can speed it up by 2 weeks or more. And I have never had a problem rooting in rapid rooters with cloning gel. But that's soil based. But can take up to 3 weeks depending on strain.


Do you think i could let her in 12/12 and hope she self polinate?(rodelization)
after cutting her of course...she's ready to be harvested.


Well-Known Member
All the questions your asking. If she didn't herm befor she won't later. You will need to have a male to seed.


Well-Known Member
All you really have to do is turn the lights to longer on times...even just go back to 18/6 and a plant will reveg.


Well-Known Member
Takes a long time though...but this is only if the plants are flowering that you would need to turn the lights back...I feel like we are not to the point of revegging talking with ya for some reason...