girl stole all my ... she took it all.


Active Member
So this girl I know pretty much raped me. She took about 12 oz. She at the least gave me back my equipment. I told my ex I would give her an o if she would get it all back... I need a really crafty brilliant way of getting it all back. Wtf can I do?
The best plans involve duct tape. cn

things can only get better.......... lol. ;-)
<font size="5"><span style="color:#ff3399;"><span style="font-family:comic sans ms;">[video=youtube;UwWfE4DAyao][/video]
Wow big surprise here. She supports stealing other people hard earned possessions. What a great person. Punch this bitch too. Theives are the bottom feeders of society. They provide nothing good.

&#8203;i'd drop kick the shiz out of you................shitter ;-)
Think harder NEXT TIME about how "thing's happen" You Can Blame her but you are the one who didn't think through a situation! You are the captain of your destiny and capt. you BLEW IT!! I certainly hope you learned a hard lesson here! Next time let HER make the decision to a-leave b-split c-dump you!...old fart here Know your pissed but really??You didn't see it comming cause you never thought it would come to this........come on....Buck-up start the grow and give her bud's you pissed on!! good luck! jack DON'T GET MAD GET EVEN
I'm just saying someone stealing 12 zips is like an act of war approved by congress. Male or female, you deal with the consequences of you actions.
This is always why you take and keep photos of her naked and doing all sorts of stuff to you and to herself.

Shame on you bro, other wise you would be putting up a web site right now

Not much you can do at this point