girl stole all my ... she took it all.

Wow big surprise here. She supports stealing other people hard earned possessions. What a great person. Punch this bitch too. Theives are the bottom feeders of society. They provide nothing good.

wow, 54 likes on a single comment. never seen one get that many. record?
hey its not me who let things slip just because he got his little knob rot yum yum smoke time bongsmilie

You're a sexist. And you know what, this site is sexist as well.

Look at your 'Mr.Ganga' title. So fuck off back to the kitchen while
your man grows the smoke.
girlfriends shouldnt know about your grow lol cause this is the shit that happens sorry to hear live and learn !
I'd kill someone who stole 12 zips from me and miss unlucky is athe type of raging cunt that cause men to spend their lives in prison for murder...This is a fucked up thread it should be made to go away.
I'd kill someone who stole 12 zips from me and miss unlucky is athe type of raging cunt that cause men to spend their lives in prison for murder...This is a fucked up thread it should be made to go away.

I reckon. Women moan on about violence against women. Most of those cases are probably the women asking for it.
Wow big surprise here. She supports stealing other people hard earned possessions. What a great person. Punch this bitch too. Theives are the bottom feeders of society. They provide nothing good.

Holy shit, 60 likes on this comment! That's gotta be some sorta record for this site.
I'm going to go and like it right now....only cause I would like to punch unluckys Avatar in her face with my love guzzz! I don't care if its a dude.....