WOW, just WOW, this bitch or butch is like a rare gem in the list of top ranking trolls ! i mean damnn!! ! 45 pages of trolling ?! -
but i dont think that she'd qualify as a troll - Unlucky - has a seriously disturbing issue of attention seeking fueled by an unbelievably low self esteem (keeps coming back !), this as ya'll would know, has a deeply personality splitting outcome , I dont think that a girl as hot as in these pics would be such a no-lifer to the point of acting this degenerate, and feeding off peoples hatred towards her, poor miserable soul !
Ohhhhhhh.. I get it now. You're an obvious troll right? Damn, you are by far the best troll I've ever seen. Right on you shitter
Ahahahaha. Now that I know what you're doing, I find you less creepy (you know.. because you have people send you dick pics) and more funny.. Rep (for getting the most people riled up).
45 pages and 444 replies in 7 days. Amazing. That's nearly 64 replies per day.
She is abit of a bitch but check that profile pic, shes looking tastier than my buds
people like you are whats wrong with this site.yes mrrollitup loves how i keep his site running for him.......... well me and shitters ​do
right? only really unwise people use an avatar that can be linked to them.
Which is the case with most of the accounts with girls as the avatar...
Kush>> you only wish you wer UNLUCKY....I'd feel luck to know her! what's your real beef? Is she a better grower than you are you jellous? Man up and leave the lady be! only little boy's atack girl's ...no class guy!! jack
right? only really unwise people use an avatar that can be linked to them