I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant


Well-Known Member
You didnt have to top the plant you could have used the FIM method, allot less strain on the plant and it works almost just as well :)


thanks guys for all your help, i will be posting pics as she grows, and I will def need help during flowering stage so please stay tuned and thanks for the welcome fellow stoner!


2012-07-02 07.29.15.jpg2012-07-02 07.29.54.jpg2012-07-02 07.31.12.jpg2012-07-02 07.30.33.jpg2012-07-02 07.31.19.jpg

any help would be great, hasnt started nutes because I used the MG w/slow release plant food and I have seen nute burns. This originated from bagseed, not sure what it was being that I only smoke hydro strains. I brought it inside just to snap some photos. Its an outdoor plant and where I have it positioned it gets sunlight from 630am until bout 7pm right now.....what can I buy for HD or walmart for great resluts during flowering, I though about force flowering starting around 8/1(bout 4 more weeks) i will have me first frost around 10/15 and I am not sure if it will finish in time. more help would be great.



Active Member
Leave that baby outside ivy! There is nothing that you can get from walmart that will do this plant justice when compared with beautiful sunshine. If you want it to be stealthy try and surround it by other plants, tomatoes etc but as it gets much bigger it will be difficult to hide.

This plant did not require topping as an outdoor grow. Pot her up again into some quality potting soil and get her outside in a greenhouse just watch her explode with growth. If your worried about pests spray with neem oil and warmwater with a drop of washing up liquid. IMO the Miracle gro range is not optimal for plant health. they always have caused me big problems such as lock out of certain nutrients. Try and get quality organic compost an your plants will love you for it. It even tastes much better and burns cleaner

Any reason for the forced flowering? If you could let her get bigger she will yield better and provide you with lots of good smoke. Has she/he shown preflowers yet?


how do I re-pot? I have some top soil would that do the trick? I am in the veg stage now and I have not gotten any nutes for it, what ahould I buy? Will it have to be bought online or thru amazon? I dont live near any nurseries..... Thanks JRTokin, im sorry for all the Questions


New Member
how do I re-pot? I have some top soil would that do the trick? I am in the veg stage now and I have not gotten any nutes for it, what ahould I buy? Will it have to be bought online or thru amazon? I dont live near any nurseries..... Thanks JRTokin, im sorry for all the Questions
if u want something cheap google Jacks dynamic duo
plant looks great


Active Member
Well what size pot you in at the moment? It depends how big you want to go really but most people will go with a 5- 10 gal bucket. Im a massive fan of the canna bio terra soil. Not sure if you can get this in the states. Im pretty sure most people over there go for fox farms brand. If i was there i would buy this


as well as these nutes:


Just dont over do it with the nutes and go in easy, its always better to under fert than to add too much. Try in future to steer clear of miracle grow your plants will be happier. Top soil dosnt really have the nutrients of the composts and you would have poor results.

Just check out the faqs for how to repot or watch on you tube. Its really not that difficult, if youve done a houseplant you can do a cannabis plant.


Its in a 3gal pot rite now I am starting to notice some nute burns and I was wondering if I can tell the sex yet. I will try to get better pics but how long before it shows signs of sex?


Active Member
yeah the nute burn will be from the miracle gro slow release caps. terrible things. Nothing much you can do about that now but id get them in a bigger pot maybe 5 gal then put her outside. She will start showing sighns of sex when the days start getting down to 12 hours. In this part of the world thats around september late august time. If you really cant wait then you can induce flowering by covering her every day (pain in the ass). She/ he should already be showing preflowers. if you look on the stem where the leaf junctions are you should either see what look like pods or you may have one or two early what look like white hairs.


thx jrtokin and mr ganja(prev post) I have pics of the burn. Its more on the bottom leaves and these branches are tripling with new leaves and stuff. I will show pictures but my babies are burnt :cuss:


View attachment 2238487View attachment 2238490View attachment 2238492View attachment 2238493View attachment 2238495whan i went out on my patio this am to get it, it looked like some animal was digging in my soil!!! I saw pieces of broken root in the top of the soil!! I had to repack the soil back together....what could cause that!! i have not started any nutes beside whats in the MG slow release. Im too afraid that it will kil the plant. I am alos afraid to re-pot, not sure how not to mess it up. I am in a 3 gal pot now. Will that suffice for the life of the plant? I was thinking about force flowering around 8/1, any thoughts!!!


@JRtokin - Is it those pistal looking things (they look green) I dont think I know what preflower is. So far I see no balls but its alot of new leafs (see pics) can you tell from looking at the pics?


Active Member
View attachment 2238487View attachment 2238490View attachment 2238492View attachment 2238493View attachment 2238495whan i went out on my patio this am to get it, it looked like some animal was digging in my soil!!! I saw pieces of broken root in the top of the soil!! I had to repack the soil back together....what could cause that!! i have not started any nutes beside whats in the MG slow release. Im too afraid that it will kil the plant. I am alos afraid to re-pot, not sure how not to mess it up. I am in a 3 gal pot now. Will that suffice for the life of the plant? I was thinking about force flowering around 8/1, any thoughts!!!
Wow that sucks but yeah could have been cats, dogs or many other animals which have THC receptors :) you shouldn't be afraid of potting up its really not complex what i do is fill new pot with soil at bottom and place old pot inside until its level with the top then tapping bottom of old pot lightly holding stem just remove plant from pot place in new soil, fill round the edges and give a good watering. Voila!

The slow release is just intense chemical fertilisers great for things like rhododendrons or azaleas but not the food of choice for cannabis which requires nutrient specific to flowering (more N during growth and PK flowering)

It really depends how big you want to veg the plant before flowering. I personally would put it in the 5 gal. If the plant becomes rootbound then it will reduce your yield.

1) Get it in a 5 gallon pot with organic compost and do not feed for at least another 6 weeks, this should hopefully use all the crappy time release capsules in the soil

2) Put the plant in an elevated sunny spot away from predators

3) Have patience and do not force flowering, if you leave her to develop naturally it will be worth the wait. From a large outdoor plant it is possible to get a pound and upwards. This is the differnce of having a couple of months smoke or a couple of years

Good Luck and happy growing bongsmilie
