girl stole all my ... she took it all.

Yeah I think we're pretty sure unlucky is a fat guy.

and i drive one of them big truck things..........;-)
<font size="5"><span style="color:#ff3399;"><span style="font-family:comic sans ms;">[video=youtube;wwaygKjs2fI][/video]
Please explain to us how you let a female take your weed and equipment. And you said she gave you your equipment back. Why didn't you fuck her up on the spot?
That sucks. What you going to do...just suck it up.
You fucked up by being her friend.
You can try to get your shit back. But, most will be a loss.
My advise is to just cut your loses and never associate with that person or persons.
Doing something as revenge is only going to complicate matters.
You could turn to the social media and blast the shit out of her. But, then it become...blah, blah , blah.

The funny thing is many people ask about how to secure their grows. What kind of security...blah, blah,blah.
Number one is "No one Talks about fight club" Shut your mouth and grow.

Good luck
That sucks. What you going to do...just suck it up.
You fucked up by being her friend.
You can try to get your shit back. But, most will be a loss.
My advise is to just cut your loses and never associate with that person or persons.
Doing something as revenge is only going to complicate matters.
You could turn to the social media and blast the shit out of her. But, then it become...blah, blah , blah.

The funny thing is many people ask about how to secure their grows. What kind of security...blah, blah,blah.
Number one is "No one Talks about fight club" Shut your mouth and grow.

Good luck

Can't let people walk all over you. Especially some cunt.
I'd tell some theifing bastard about the 12 oz score set that bitch up to get robbed maybe even some crazy bastard kick in the door pistol whip the bitch and hold her up at gun point 12 oz's is pretty good money you can get her robbed and give her some much deserved karma

punch dat bitch!
Could have been worse. you could have been married to her.

Try coming home to an echo.:cuss:
try to lure her in your house to steal more shit than shoot her depending on your state law. shouldnt be breaking and entering and stealing shit. tell you what i keep a loaded 20 gauge under my sink by my door. then another loaded 12 gauge under my bed. i'd love nothing more than to take a thieves life. if your weed is medical and your within your laws than call the cops. thats like stealing someone's medication. otherwise chalk it up as experience and never fuck with these idiots again.
Why not follow her and watch her,and when your sure she leaves her home ,then go up to the door and knock on it,if someone answears ask them if they need their grass cut (or something like that), if nobodys home then go around the side look in a couple windows and if you dont see anybody,find a backdoor or window and break in and get your shit back
its clear she can whoop your ass and bet she is back for

the girly got your stash...........girl power for sure
^proves women are weak every time she posts and dosent know it. You really do make women look like real cunts. I'm sure you try real hard and take pride in that. I'm sure daddy's real proud of his girl.