input requested PICS


Active Member
hello all.

This is my first grow, and I've found these forums to be an incredible help. I'm not a guy with much along the lines of plant knowledge, but this site has made it very easy for me to figure out what the heck I'm supposed to be doing. For that, thank you.

Anyway, these girls are in their 4th week of veg, but early in their lives they were somewhat mistreated. They sprouted over spring break with no one around under natural sunlight, so they got a little (read: a hell of a lot) stretched. I moved them two and a half weeks ago into their 3 gallon pots they are in now and bought a few more CFLs. I also buried their long stems under the soil in hopes to correct their height.

I am attaching some pictures. The picture from April 6 shows the stretching pretty well. I added CFL's on that date and the rest are from today. I was hoping someone could provide me with some feedback, whats going good and whats going bad. Thanks a ton, everyone.



Well-Known Member
yes they are lookin good ,,, yeah for flowering u might look at getting some 2700K cfl;s , or even a lil 70 W HPS light from home depot ( looks like a mini street light) ,,, , unless u wanna go big , & get a 250 or 400 W hps for flowering ... but with 2 or 3 plants my 70 W hps always worked well for me , along with 4 or 5 42 Watt 2700K cfl;s for side lighting ,, ... but yeah them lil ones look good ,, keep us updated on how they go ......& remember , do not over water them


New Member
they look TONS better than what they did mate. youve done an excellent job of saving them. Im not even sure what to recommend for them though because you didnt give a whole lot of info about how u are growing them(your setup).........

best thing i could say is go with more light, the more light that you have the better they will do.

and for flowering you dont want to use cool white cfls, but rather the ones rated @ a 2700k light spectrum. the cool white bulbs dont flower well because of the color to the light.

other than that keep up the good work


Active Member
thank you for the encouragement.

as of now, they are under 2 42 watt 6500k CFL's each. there are 2 23w 5000k lights located around the plants for some ambient lighting i guess. I bought those lights before I really knew what to look for in the CFL dept. I am planning on buying a small wattage MH/HPS light, but I am kinda clueless on the electrical end. I am in a house that I cannot make modifications to, so it needs to plug into a regular socket.

As for soil, its just Miracle Grow Organic soil from lowes and it has seemed to work well.

Also, I want to let these plants veg for the summer so they can hold a decent yeild, but I'd really like to be sure of their sex. Are there any ill effects of forcing a plant to flower and then revert it to veg? or is cloning a better route?


New Member
. I am planning on buying a small wattage MH/HPS light, but I am kinda clueless on the electrical end. I am in a house that I cannot make modifications to, so it needs to plug into a regular socket.
just make sure that the light you buy runs off of 110 volts.i consider anything 400watt and under small so let me know what size your looking for and i can try to help you find one on the net if ya want

As for soil, its just Miracle Grow Organic soil from lowes and it has seemed to work well.
works fine for the veg stage, although some say the high nitrogen levels are bad during flower. Ive never used it because i dont want my plants getting more nitrogen during flower as i know that isnt so healthy for them

Also, I want to let these plants veg for the summer so they can hold a decent yeild, but I'd really like to be sure of their sex. Are there any ill effects of forcing a plant to flower and then revert it to veg? or is cloning a better route?
supposedly that is supposed to make them less potent or so some say.
Ive never had any problem doing it that way, but you could just take clones and flower the clones and keep vegging the mother plants.
OR you could just leave them till they get preflowers and show their sex in the veg stage, its all preference.


Well-Known Member
Mountaineer, what do you use to hang your "Y" adaptors from? I have tons of Y adaptors, as well as the bulb-to-socket adaptors, and two power strips. What do you hang the power strips from?


Active Member
Mountaineer, what do you use to hang your "Y" adaptors from? I have tons of Y adaptors, as well as the bulb-to-socket adaptors, and two power strips. What do you hang the power strips from?
I bought bottle neck replacement kits. They were hanging right near the Y adaptors in walmart. The assembly itself is hanging by its power cord from a bar that runs across the top of my grow space.


Active Member
just make sure that the light you buy runs off of 110 volts.i consider anything 400watt and under small so let me know what size your looking for and i can try to help you find one on the net if ya want
Well, I only have about 4 feet of vertical height to work with in my space. I don't know how high above the tops of the plants a HPS bulb should be, but I would think those constraints certainly limit the type of lights I can use. What would you recommend? Concentrating on CFL's and trying to get better light coverage, or do you think I have enough room to pull off a HPS?


New Member
Well, I only have about 4 feet of vertical height to work with in my space. I don't know how high above the tops of the plants a HPS bulb should be, but I would think those constraints certainly limit the type of lights I can use. What would you recommend? Concentrating on CFL's and trying to get better light coverage, or do you think I have enough room to pull off a HPS?
4ft can adequately house a hps if you have good venting and lst your plants. what are the exact measurements of your space? hell with lst you can grow them all sideways and flower them like that........


Active Member
I am in a closet that has 4 feet of vertical height x 2.5 feet width x 4ish feet depth. the depth can be negotiated.

I currently have two plants growing from bagseed (the pictures) but I also have a seedling of Sour Diesel that I would like to see reach adulthood.

I'm attaching pictures of the grow room set up as of now. That is all the space I can use, and that wood cabinet with the bar under it is approx. 4 ft above the floor. The ceiling from there begins to slant, so thats the max height I can have.

Would a 400 watt HPS system be okay in that space? and would I need to figure exhaust stuff out, or could I just kinda rig some fans up or something.

thank you for all your help. it is greatly appreciated.



New Member
id say yes that youd be able to run the 400watt systems in there but yes itd prob need pretty good venting.

not growing in your moms place is ya???? afraid to vent why?


Active Member
well i'm in a rented house, and before anyone goes nuts on me, i've thought this out very well. my landlord has never been in my room, and has stated that without me in the room, will never enter. plus my closet is locked tight, along with the actual door to my room, so good luck anyway.

I'm young, I've got a limited money supply, and mainly, I don't know how to vent. Are there fans involved or can you make them run through pressure differentials alone? My house isn't A/C, so theres no existing ductwork for me to tap into as well. I just don't know where to start.

The main key here is I need to be able to disassemble anything that I should build in that closet without someone knowing it was there.


New Member
well i'm in a rented house, and before anyone goes nuts on me, i've thought this out very well. my landlord has never been in my room, and has stated that without me in the room, will never enter. plus my closet is locked tight, along with the actual door to my room, so good luck anyway.

I'm young, I've got a limited money supply, and mainly, I don't know how to vent. Are there fans involved or can you make them run through pressure differentials alone? My house isn't A/C, so theres no existing ductwork for me to tap into as well. I just don't know where to start.

The main key here is I need to be able to disassemble anything that I should build in that closet without someone knowing it was there.
ill work with a few designs over in my head this evening although i dont exactly condone growing in ANYBODYS house that dosent want you to....
i also understand you pay rent? Dont worry, I can see grammatically you arent some young punk and that you have a bit of intelligence about yourself, so Ill no farther accuse you of being a little child. When i was first explained how to vent a grow room I thought that it sounded mad crazy....but i actually ran the vent in the clearance under a door, so here is probably SOME way to do it. I rigged mine up with aluminum sheet metal that was about $8 a 5ft piece.....
but ill think on it some. Im just stoned and too lazy to do so @ the exact moment....