Calling UK Soil Growers - What do you use to adjust your PH Down (More Acidic)


As the title state this will be more for those who grow in the UK as it seems elemental sulfur aluminium sulphate is near impossible to buy in the UK unless of course you feel like importing whole shipments lol

My question is quite basic what do you use/recommend I use to lower my soil PH, I have spent hours searching Amazon, eBay, B&Q, Homebase websites etc and the only product I have been able to find is called PH down and contain phosphoric acid (71%). I am unsure if this is to be used in soil and of its effectiveness??

If anyone can advise if this is the product I am looking for or if there is something else I have totally missed?? Thanks


Active Member
dolimite/garden lime for the soil
ph down for the water.. not that you have to adjust the water when growing in soil


Well-Known Member
Good question, i noticed that canna nutes drop the ph of my water a couple of points
tap water here ie ph8 when i gave it vita link grow they dropped the ph to 3.2 fucked me for a while. mostly organic now and i dont ph. seems a lot easier.


see my plants appeared to be growing fine in soil (before I became soil PH paranoid lol) and then I started getting all this different advice some saying I dont need to bother others saying I do :S I'm ordering some seeds this weekend and wanted to have everything I need to ensure I don't waste my money and have my plants die because of something silly like soil PH.


Active Member
tap water here ie ph8 when i gave it vita link grow they dropped the ph to 3.2 fucked me for a while. mostly organic now and i dont ph. seems a lot easier.
same her 8.3 straight out of the tap gave full strenght nutes went down to 4 i just add a little liquid silicon to bring back up