John Birch Society

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
I know of several poor minority families personally who John Birch lawyers took up their cases pro bono and won when no other lawyers would help them. I never once saw any racism from the members I knew, but you know theres always a few bad apples. I fail to see why it would be necessary to harass or defame anyone who was excercising their right to free speech and assembly even though I may not share the same ideas they do. Was there something Kool about this that I missed?


Ursus marijanus
suppose i joined a group that pushed the theory that the holocaust was a conspiracy.

suppose i then march in a parade as part of that group.

suppose someone asks me to explain my theory while i am setting up for the parade.

is that harassment, or is that perfectly civil speech protected by the first amendment? :dunce:

harassment is what i did to the knights of columbus and their "stand for religious freedom" sign. i yelled that freedom of religion does not mean they get to impose theirs on people who do not share their religion.
The difference is, the Holocaust WAS a conspiracy. cn

<add> At first my dyslexia thought that this thread was about a John Bitch Society. An Internet clearinghouse for consumer complaints about sex workers has real commercial potential. It could be like Amazon Reviews, but for something that can't be shipped, unless you own a Chinese container steamer. cn


Well-Known Member
suppose i joined a group that pushed the theory that the holocaust was a conspiracy.

suppose i then march in a parade as part of that group.

suppose someone asks me to explain my theory while i am setting up for the parade.

is that harassment, or is that perfectly civil speech protected by the first amendment? :dunce:

harassment is what i did to the knights of columbus and their "stand for religious freedom" sign. i yelled that freedom of religion does not mean they get to impose theirs on people who do not share their religion.
OMG if you did that then you alone would be responsible for the deaths of 6 million. Don't you know that if you join an organization that had a member that said "100 years ago that God was really a bunny rabbit", that it automatically makes it your position as well? no matter what your actual position is? I know a human with an IQ of 2, you are a human therefore you must have an IQ of 2 also.


Well-Known Member
I fail to see why it would be necessary to harass or defame anyone who was excercising their right to free speech and assembly...

harass and defame?

i asked them about their own conspiracy theory, as is my right under the first amendment. i also mocked them a little when they couldn't defend their own theory, as is my right under the first amendment.

they're a propaganda group full of kooky nutters, they deserve all the negative publicity and marginalization to the fringes of society that we can muster.


Well-Known Member

harass and defame?

i asked them about their own conspiracy theory, as is my right under the first amendment. i also mocked them a little when they couldn't defend their own theory, as is my right under the first amendment.

they're a propaganda group full of kooky nutters, they deserve all the negative publicity and marginalization to the fringes of society that we can muster.
My Ron Paul supporting neighbor from two doors down came over to offer me a dust mask
I have always wanted to ask him why he supports a nutty crazy racist like Ron Paul

I showed him the work on the inside of the house instead and thanked him for the offer of the face mask

This just happened about an hour ago. I keep making excuses to come inside the AC
It's a hundred degrees out in the shade right now and scraping and stripping paint is not a ideal job right now


Well-Known Member
My Ron Paul supporting neighbor from two doors down came over to offer me a dust mask
I have always wanted to ask him why he supports a nutty crazy racist like Ron Paul

I showed him the work on the inside of the house instead and thanked him for the offer of the face mask

This just happened about an hour ago. I keep making excuses to come inside the AC
It's a hundred degrees out in the shade right now and scraping and stripping paint is not a ideal job right now
That was very nice of him to offer you a mask, what a thoughtful neighbor.
Maybe he supports Ron Paul because he loves his country and it's people and is educated and well informed.


Well-Known Member
Your use of the word "theory" is inappropriate - It implies lack of proof and evidence and verification.
I have already raised issues and facts and theory's all of which you chose to ignore
would president rawn pawl make fluoride a local issue or a federal issue?


Well-Known Member
That was very nice of him to offer you a mask, what a thoughtful neighbor.
Maybe he supports Ron Paul because he loves his country and it's people and is educated and well informed.
I think he is misinformed
But what a nice gesture. After that there is no way I could needle him about Ron Paul. I'm thinking, man I bet everyone here I disagree with. Probably is really cool people.


Well-Known Member
would president rawn pawl make fluoride a local issue or a federal issue?
It is already a local issue, I would assume he would keep it that way, but he might eliminate federal funding?- If it exists?- that funds the addition of fluoride to water.
He would also possibly have the EPA and or FDA ban it's addition to water and food if he did not eliminate both of those agencies.
I am admittedly unsure- Those thoughts I just proposed are just Theories


Well-Known Member
He would also possibly have the EPA and or FDA ban it's addition to water and food
i thought rawn pawl hated the federal government, now he is ready to lean on the federal government? LOL!

that's just as funny as his dumbass supporters launching a federal lawsuit claiming that rawn pawl was the victim of an elaborate election fraud scheme.



Well-Known Member
would president rawn pawl make fluoride a local issue or a federal issue?
Copy And Paste...
&#8220;if elected President, would you allow the CDC, DHHS, or any federal agency to use tax dollars to promote water fluoridation?&#8221;
Dr. Ron Paul responded:

&#8220;The federal government should have zero&#8230; nothing to do with the promotion of fluoridation unless its on a military base&#8230; and hopefully there they would do the right thing. So no, federal fluoride promotion shouldn&#8217;t exist, they shouldn&#8217;t be telling you or anyone else what should happen because even though it was well intended at the time &#8211; I remember that I thought it was a bad principle because in a way it was massive treatment &#8211; and at the time everybody accepted the idea that fluoride was great and that you would never get a cavity and there was no downside, now there is a big question, that&#8217;s why you don&#8217;t want government doing these kinds of things. You or I should decide, someone should give us bottled water with fluoride, or we should have the ability to buy water with fluoride, but we should not have the federal government promoting fluoridation&#8230; sometimes they&#8217;re right, most of the time they&#8217;re wrong. They shouldn&#8217;t have the authority to do this. Especially with the information out there now about fluoride, I would do my best to stop federal involvement with state and local fluoride decisions.&#8221;


Well-Known Member
i thought rawn pawl hated the federal government, now he is ready to lean on the federal government? LOL!

that's just as funny as his dumbass supporters launching a federal lawsuit claiming that rawn pawl was the victim of an elaborate election fraud scheme.

I was pointing out that, Ron Paul would rightfully like to eliminate the EPA and FDA
but if unable to do so- Might press them to do things such as ban the addition of poison - Fluoride etc- to our food and water.


Well-Known Member
I was pointing out that, Ron Paul would rightfully like to eliminate the EPA and FDA
but if unable to do so- Might press them to do things such as ban the addition of poison - Fluoride etc- to our food and water.
according to your copy and paste, rawn pawl would not keep people from buying fluoride water or and would leave fluoride as the local issue it already is.

what about monitoring levels of fluoride? would president rawn pawl scrap the federal agencies that monitor drinking water for safe levels of fluoride?


Well-Known Member
I was pointing out that, Ron Paul would rightfully like to eliminate the EPA and FDA
but if unable to do so- Might press them to do things such as ban the addition of poison - Fluoride etc- to our food and water.
I like drinkable water
and the FDA just got a 3 billion dollar fine out of Glaxo for illegally promoting drugs that do nothing but line their pockets

And lets be honest
The only reason RP wants to get rid of the EPA is that over 60% of his stocks are in gold mining companys

isnt it Ironic that the JBS thinks flouride is a conspiracy
Yet the sons of their FOunder Fred Koch
Want to do away with the EPA so they can poison our enivorment more freely?


Well-Known Member
according to your copy and paste, rawn pawl would not keep people from buying fluoride water or and would leave fluoride as the local issue it already is.

what about monitoring levels of fluoride? would president rawn pawl scrap the federal agencies that monitor drinking water for safe levels of fluoride?
You should be allowed to ingest all the fluoride you would like.
Their is no "safe level" of fluoride. He would like to eliminate those agencies that monitor it and give the people the choice to have monitoring done by private agencies.


Well-Known Member
You should be allowed to ingest all the fluoride you would like.
Their is no "safe level" of fluoride. He would like to eliminate those agencies that monitor it and give the people the choice to have monitoring done by private agencies.
there's no safe level of fluoride, yet we monitor for safe levels of fluoride and have safely consumed fluoride water for decades.

yep, beardo logic.