What makes the stem strong and thick?


Well-Known Member
I noticed some plants are much thinker then others so I'm wondering what makes it, is it a fan, or the strain? I noticed one is like 1/2" while others are 1/3rd of the size


Well-Known Member
Your fan is what strengthens the stem, the fan should " wiggle " the plant a little.


Active Member
The air flow from the fan encourages the plant to add growth to the stem so to make sturdier and therefore able to deal with it.... My plants at mo are taking loads of wind and thickening up nicely

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
AKA Potassium. And a gentle breeze(movement of the stem and branches). Also encourages root development to help stabilize and anchor the plant. Nature just doing its thing....


Well-Known Member
I have been using 2-3 fans but not blowing directly at it, or on a low setting if I have it swiveling, I heard it's not good to directly blow at them so do they mean like keep it constantly blowing or mean even swiveling


Well-Known Member
I have been using 2-3 fans but not blowing directly at it, or on a low setting if I have it swiveling, I heard it's not good to directly blow at them so do they mean like keep it constantly blowing or mean even swiveling
you want a little bit of movement but not so much that its swaying back and forth, they should look like they're shaking sort of.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Direct, oscillating air across the canopy is just fine. Just not to close or too strong. Its also good to have some air moving down low to move air up through the canopy...


Well-Known Member
Try supercroppin or lst even pinchin the stems to get the nice and strong sum strains need it for sure !!


Well-Known Member
A lot of it is just genetics/strain too. Indicas usually have the thick stems and sativas thin and stretchy..Ive grown some sativas that almost seemed vine like. A silica supplement would also strengthen cell walls but it probably wouldnt be necessary.


Well-Known Member

5 mL per gallon. pot size is also a factor. the bigger the pot, the bigger the root and supportive structure mass.


Well-Known Member
I use a moving fan but it blows behind the plants on the wall so the air kind of bounces off the wall and only moves them in one direction but has 100 percent top to bottom coverage.


Well-Known Member
So do you think putting plants in a 5 gallon bucket is stopping them from growing more, bigger, fatter, as per say a flower bed type thing? I always thought it could expand much bigger then a 5 gallon and it seems to be limiting the plant growth but it depends on how high your growing too.