I need help!! Dont know how to top, fertilize, and what stage is my plant


Wow that sucks but yeah could have been cats, dogs or many other animals which have THC receptors :) you shouldn't be afraid of potting up its really not complex what i do is fill new pot with soil at bottom and place old pot inside until its level with the top then tapping bottom of old pot lightly holding stem just remove plant from pot place in new soil, fill round the edges and give a good watering. Voila!

The slow release is just intense chemical fertilisers great for things like rhododendrons or azaleas but not the food of choice for cannabis which requires nutrient specific to flowering (more N during growth and PK flowering)

It really depends how big you want to veg the plant before flowering. I personally would put it in the 5 gal. If the plant becomes rootbound then it will reduce your yield.

1) Get it in a 5 gallon pot with organic compost and do not feed for at least another 6 weeks, this should hopefully use all the crappy time release capsules in the soil

2) Put the plant in an elevated sunny spot away from predators

3) Have patience and do not force flowering, if you leave her to develop naturally it will be worth the wait. From a large outdoor plant it is possible to get a pound and upwards. This is the differnce of having a couple of months smoke or a couple of years

Good Luck and happy growing bongsmilie


SO i repotted today in a 5 gal (old paint jug, the big white one) I put about 10 drain holes and ran water in the bucket to make sure it would drain but I am afraid it wont drain correctly with the dirt in. I had to use hedge clippers to punch the holes and it made like slits instead. I tried twisting the clippers around to make them more circular, do you think it will drain correctly or cshall I make round holes? If I do decide to make the round holes, how can I now that I have already potted it? Also I used Top Soil(it all I could get) is that a good brand? I think its organic fron what I read on the label Please asvise, I will submit photos later tonite.


New Member
Ok i will see what happened or just re-post them sorry bout that FAB.
spread some moth balls around to deter pest
and if u can put a radio out there noise might scare them off could be rabbits.armadillos or amlost anything just depends on your area and what pest there are
was damage done at night?


spread some moth balls around to deter pest
and if u can put a radio out there noise might scare them off could be rabbits.armadillos or amlost anything just depends on your area and what pest there are
was damage done at night?

yes it was at nite. also I just re-potted today and I dont like how the soil look. I didnt see any drainage out of the bottom. I put holes in the bottom(more like slits) and I am afraid it wont drain correctly. I cantake pics tonite its too dart now and I have no flash on my cell phone camera but i will in the am. I may not have put enuff water in after I repotted but it was holding at the top so I was afraid I was drowning it lol but im sure I didnt put enuff to even reach the bottom for it to drain. I just transfered it from a
/ gal pot to a gal old paint bucket so I made the holes you know. I am so afraid now........


New Member
do u have a patio table or something u can put it on to raise off the ground and hope it cant climb
water till u see run off the bottom


New Member
yes best to do before roots grow down to bottom
have someone hold it up while u drill with biggest bit u got but no bigger then half inch
if no one to help place on a table and let part of bucket hang off edge while holding with one hand while u drill then do other part
and drill on bottom edge the slits u made may clog


No, I can try to get one, is that what I need to make sufficient holes? and do they need to be on the side as well as the bottom?

I also used TopSoil potting mix ( think potting my dad uses it for his garden) and the water sits on top of the soil for a while before it goes down!! Still no drainage.....


New Member
I also used TopSoil potting mix ( think potting my dad uses it for his garden) and the water sits on top of the soil for a while before it goes down!! Still no drainage.....
thats cuz top soil has no perlite to help with drainage
go to garden store and buy a bag for few bucks then add some to mix about 2-3 cups


thats cuz top soil has no perlite to help with drainage
go to garden store and buy a bag for few bucks then add some to mix about 2-3 cups

omg thank you so much...will i have to move the plant back out of the pot to mix the perlite in the soil? How long to wait to do this, can I do it rite away tomorrow? is it ok to re-plant it twice, will it die?


New Member
omg thank you so much...will i have to move the plant back out of the pot to mix the perlite in the soil? How long to wait to do this, can I do it rite away tomorrow? is it ok to re-plant it twice, will it die?
right away it is fine to replant just dont mess up roots but doubt u will have that problem if u repot that time to drill holes


right away it is fine to replant just dont mess up roots but doubt u will have that problem if u repot that time to drill holes
Ok :lol:
also how could the roots get messed up or I mean what could I do to mess them up (so I wont do it)

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
roots get damaged by pulling them out and laying them in the sun. that's how i kill the weeds in my lawn lol


roots get damaged by pulling them out and laying them in the sun. that's how i kill the weeds in my lawn lol
Ok I see, well i am about to post a video with questions and some new pictures, I topped it about a week or so ago and look at it now......im shocked


here are some new pics just so you can see where im at now with the plant, lol my pit bull though it was picture time for her lol:clap: this is 10 days after I first submitted photos!! That little skinny stem turned into a small bush lol. I tipped on 7/1 I believe and also uploaded those pics so this would be a week after topping.....

2012-07-08 08.51.26.jpg2012-07-08 08.51.44.jpg2012-07-08 08.51.53.jpg2012-07-08 08.51.58.jpg2012-07-08 08.56.17.jpg2012-07-08 08.56.26.jpg2012-07-08 08.57.45.jpg2012-07-08 08.58.24.jpg


New Member
here are some new pics just so you can see where im at now with the plant, lol my pit bull though it was picture time for her lol:clap: this is 10 days after I first submitted photos!! That little skinny stem turned into a small bush lol. I tipped on 7/1 I believe and also uploaded those pics so this would be a week after topping.....

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pretty dog looks like she likes your plant
hope she dont eat them like mine does


New Member
it was hard for me to hear ? on my computer my sound isnt good
did hear u ask about what to do with yellow leaf tips
cut them back just past yellow part