trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
"your being overly defensive for some reason that i can't quite put my finger on......"
lol that wasn't calling anyone a "fagget" especially as fagget it a derogatory slur

even if you took from that i was suggesting you have underlying homosexual tendancies then it still wouldn't be an insult unless you believed there was something wrong with being gay.

its a self selecting trolling that never fails to draw out the bigots


Well-Known Member
so let me get this straight, you pricks think if ya can't spell your opinion isn't worthy.

Classic Libatard. You guys have a much depth as a fukin shallow pothole you dill holes.

Wipe you mouth sammy bit of buck on yer lips..LOL
Just a repost for you dolts.

I sure gets lots of rep when i fuk with you dolts.
Sorry to tell ya but your the minority. the others just laugh at you dolts


Well-Known Member
What's more effective the skull cap or the full pirate? Will it protect me from the gay?
I believe the gay isn't a choice. But for blocking out the "waves", skull cap with a peak at the back seems to be most effective, the "Jewish Gnome" some call it.

If you put the shiny side in you're fucked tho, it amplifies their powers!


Well-Known Member
Judge Lester has given Zimmerman another bond this time to the tune of 1 million dollars. Thats going to really cut into his charity funds.


Well-Known Member
i would love to be able to suck my own dick. would that make me gay or just truly homosexual (homo = same, equal, like)?
Would it not be the same as jacking your own dick ????? I guess if you just hell out NO-HOMO as you do it, you are fine