K... First off let me say happy fourth of july, welcome to the colorado patients board and that the growers here have some of the best genetics on the face of the planet. I hope you'll stick around and join the community.
Here's the thing. This isn't craigslist. You won't get anything from anyone but an ear full just by jumping on and asking for it. I'll tell you the same thing WE tell everyone. Hang out for awhile. Post some pics, ask questions (we love that), get answers, offer up advice, be a part of our happy home. Ya know? How would you feel if you and your friends were chillin at the bar, and some dude comes up and asks for one of your girls? Ain't gonna happen guy, and moreover you might get your ass kicked. Now I'm not saying that were a bunch of swingers here, (that was back in cali
) but you get the picture. This is a very tight circle of patients (btw u ARE a red card holder right? If not then well, you know what to do first) who know each other very well and trust one another. Right now we don't know you from a pig (yes, I still call them that), a rat, or a fool looking to rip one of us off. So the choice is yours. Stick around, gain our trust (will happen over time not over night), be an up standing member of our community and then we'll see what happens. Or don't. And to answer your question, yes there is a cut of romulan here that is the shit. Frosty as hell! Let us know what ya think. I hope you stay, chef.
Pretty good huh guys, I have to say, I'm getting damn fine at this!
Just so you now bevin, if I would caught you two months ago, I woulda just layed into you. But w have had quite a few requests like this lately. And I've been trying to be a little more cordial.