Seed Bamk Scam

Anyone who has been here more than six (6) months remembers Attitude Seed Bank. Attitude advertisements were prominately displayed throughout RollItUp's site similar to How Sea of Seas is now. Let metell you a little about my experience with Attitude Seed Bank. I oredered seeds and got them. And a week or two after I recieved my seeds, there was a run on my credit card. I don't do a lot of odd surfing on line. I don't put my credit card info into porn sites or sites that promise perscription or illicit drugs. Thabkfully my card company alerted me and no damage done.

Then, I germinated those seeds, of which two of five sprouted. Are you fucking kidding me.

To make matters worse, This is the second time I posted about this issue. The first time moderators deleted it. I am sure the fate of this post is to be the same. So read up and heed these words.

I am afraid this message board is nothing more than a front for bogus seed banks. Some dude in his mom's basement selling his bagseed as "kind".


Well-Known Member
Anyone who has been here more than six (6) months remembers Attitude Seed Bank. Attitude advertisements were prominately displayed throughout RollItUp's site similar to How Sea of Seas is now. Let metell you a little about my experience with Attitude Seed Bank. I oredered seeds and got them. And a week or two after I recieved my seeds, there was a run on my credit card. I don't do a lot of odd surfing on line. I don't put my credit card info into porn sites or sites that promise perscription or illicit drugs. Thabkfully my card company alerted me and no damage done.

Then, I germinated those seeds, of which two of five sprouted. Are you fucking kidding me.

To make matters worse, This is the second time I posted about this issue. The first time moderators deleted it. I am sure the fate of this post is to be the same. So read up and heed these words.

I am afraid this message board is nothing more than a front for bogus seed banks. Some dude in his mom's basement selling his bagseed as "kind".
Seems like this wouldn't have to be gone over more than once, but I will anyway.

Placing blame on a seedbank for a low germ rate is absurd. It is either: YOU, or the BREEDER. PERIOD.
There are plenty of ways you can get charges on your card. Assuming it is the seedbank, is also absurd.

Have made MANY orders with attitude. No issues, no qualms, no bitching, no charges, etc.

Resolve any issues you think you have with the seedbank.
Change seedbanks.

Not that hard.


Active Member
I to have ordered feom the tude with now problems as far as recieving ,extra charges, etc. The only thing that has ever happend to me was a couple runts or oddball genetics which something could have went wrong on my end. BUT...... to go as far as to say this site/mesaage board is a front for bogus seed banks please see yourself out the door. I'm not one to try and start issues and for sure not over the net (keyboard tough guy) but its statements like this that give others a bad rep and ive had nothing but good experience and help from others here at RIU!!!


Well-Known Member
5 orders over a 3 year period and never a problem with Attitude, even one order after they quit advertising here.


Active Member
One last thing and im done after taking a second look at this you posted it in the newbies thread here at RIU we have a thread for post like this its called SEED AND STRAIN REVIEW!!! This is another reason i believe this is a BOGUS post


bud bootlegger
i order from the tude and many other seedbanks probably a few times a month, yah, i know, i have problems, what can i say??

anyhoo's, back to the tude.. i find it hard to blame the middle man for bad beans and or germ rates as they're not in the business of making the beans, only making them available to us to germ and grow..
it really is up to the end user, the buyer, to do their due diligence when ordering seeds from some where like the attitude.. there are many breeders who sell there, some of them are top notch while some of them suck nuts, or rather doggie's nuts, lol..

there are plenty or reports on this site alone as to what breeders gear is more prone to things like germ problems, and or bad genetics, males from fem'ed seeds, etc... all you have to do is read a few threads on what breeders have a better reputation and try and stick with the tried and true breeders and stay away from those who don't have such a good rep..

what breeder(S) did you order your gear from op??
Anyone who has been here more than six (6) months remembers Attitude Seed Bank. Attitude advertisements were prominately displayed throughout RollItUp's site similar to How Sea of Seas is now. Let metell you a little about my experience with Attitude Seed Bank. I oredered seeds and got them. And a week or two after I recieved my seeds, there was a run on my credit card. I don't do a lot of odd surfing on line. I don't put my credit card info into porn sites or sites that promise perscription or illicit drugs. Thabkfully my card company alerted me and no damage done.

Then, I germinated those seeds, of which two of five sprouted. Are you fucking kidding me.

To make matters worse, This is the second time I posted about this issue. The first time moderators deleted it. I am sure the fate of this post is to be the same. So read up and heed these words.

I am afraid this message board is nothing more than a front for bogus seed banks. Some dude in his mom's basement selling his bagseed as "kind".
This happend to me to and only 2 out of 5 also and I no it wasent my doing I've germinated loads of seeds and not once has this ever happend I believe you mate if some even if some dont


bud bootlegger
This happend to me to and only 2 out of 5 also and I no it wasent my doing I've germinated loads of seeds and not once has this ever happend I believe you mate if some even if some dont
no one is really saying that they don't believe the op, or you for that matter.. i think all everyone is trying to say for the most part is it's not really the attitudes, or any seed banks, fault, for bunk seeds..
that comes down to the breeders that one chooses to buy from.. also, if you try to germ beans from most seedbanks and try to contact them about bad germ rates they will pretty much ignore you from that point onwards as when you click buy, you first have to sign the agreement that all seeds are sold as souveiners only, and are not meant to be germed simply for the fact that possession of cannabis seeds in the uk is legal, so long as one doesn't attempt to germ them, which is pretty much illegal in every country.. :(

so when buying seeds from any seedbank, my best advice is to look around and ask other growers what they have had good luck with, and also what they have had bad luck with.. this site is a plethora of such information, which is why i tend to not feel too bad when people still chose to buy from shit breeders and get shit results..


Well-Known Member
Alot of credit card fraud comes from hand them the card and they get to get the info while you wait for the check.


best way to get good genetics is by joining your local compassion club and getting clones or seeds from them. good luck


Well-Known Member
ithink i just became your care giver hempy :fire:

would like to try today's special?

but for real man, lamest troll to date.


Well-Known Member
By clicking the agree button you agree that you will be growing marijuana for medicinal use only, you also agree that you are licensed by your state to grow marijuana for medical purposes.
Because there's so many established and reputable clubs in AZ, for example. You assume they are in a position to get to a club. You assume that they have one nearby. Actually, you assume alot of things.


Well-Known Member
Attitude is 2/2 for me, just started ordering seeds in Feb 2012. First was Herbies, went well. Next two was the 'Tude, got my beans, and only had one or two issues with germination (on freebies). Both times the seeds look damaged, but I rolled the dice and lost. Oh well, thousands of miles to get to me.