Dumb ass dog ate plants


Active Member
So I go out to water today and my stupid dog had eaten about half of the leaves on each plant, and some of the new growth. They are all 12-16 inches about a month into veg. I plan on vegging for one more month before flowering, will they survive? They are still very healthy looking, just without half of their leaves. My guess is they will be okay, but lookibg for a little input. I know it was my fault, he ate my second grow a year ago, but now after the damage, they are safe and out of his reach.


Well-Known Member
an herbivore dog, thats strange...my dog shows no interest in my plants, I did have a dog that liked roaches

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
So I go out to water today and my stupid dog had eaten about half of the leaves on each plant, and some of the new growth. They are all 12-16 inches about a month into veg. I plan on vegging for one more month before flowering, will they survive? They are still very healthy looking, just without half of their leaves. My guess is they will be okay, but lookibg for a little input. I know it was my fault, he ate my second grow a year ago, but now after the damage, they are safe and out of his reach.
Buddy, I had to laugh when you said your dog eat half you weed..

But i about fell out of my chair when you said this was the second time. HAHAHAHAHAHa.. Put up a pen around you plants, and train your dog to protect your plants till death, or he gets no smoke when they are ready.

Check this out.. I have a theory about why dogs sometimes eat weed plants. You ever had a dog, and sometimes he eats grass? Not all the times, just some of the times? This is to help settle it's stomach.. at least from what I understand. Well I think this is why the dog eats the pot plant. But i have heard of people that can not keep their dog from eatting them. I think this is because the dog had an upset stomach, eat a little grass or what he thought was grass, but was in fact GRASS. it settled his stomach, and he got a little bonus which he really liked a lot.


Active Member
Train my dog to protect my plants? That seems a little far fetched. I fucked up, I was lazy. I'm positive I'm not the only lazy one in here. Anyway, I just want an answer, will they make it or not.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Hell yes they will. I have snapped branches off about 85% of the way with huge buds on them at 5 weeks. tied them in place really good, and they not only servived, but they healed and never even wilted.


Well-Known Member
TRaining your dog isnt far fetched , your dog eating your plants is lol

my cat used to lick one of my plants and then i found out under all the bud the stupid cat had snapped the stem!!

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Oh and Rastalove, I am the King of lazy on my grow. I am working hard to get it where I only have to check on my crop about once a week. I figure if I can make it happen, it will take me at least 3-4 harvest to get it all figured out. I just did my vegging stage. after week one I did not check the PH of PPM but every 3 days. All I need it to get those other 4 days and I am in there. I just entered my flower stage two weeks ago though. So I have been checking PH and PPM once a day, but it has stayed nice and steady. Running a 40 gallon rez really helps also though.


Active Member
Thanks for the responses fellas. It may not be far fetched to train my dog, but like I said I'm lazy. I took my chances, I put my grill and cooler in front of them to block him, obviously it didn't work. I had a feeling they would be okay, but I just needed some reassurance.


Well-Known Member
So I go out to water today and my stupid dog had eaten about half of the leaves on each plant, and some of the new growth. They are all 12-16 inches about a month into veg. I plan on vegging for one more month before flowering, will they survive? They are still very healthy looking, just without half of their leaves. My guess is they will be okay, but lookibg for a little input. I know it was my fault, he ate my second grow a year ago, but now after the damage, they are safe and out of his reach.
I've got a dog who'll eat almost anything. Sometimes we'll find plastic bits of tools that went missing months ago in her shit, you know like the handle covers.

I have a trick with hot sauce (Tabasco is good) and water in a spray bottle that works pretty well. 8)

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
That would work great with the dog that chews items around the house. It might even make the dog not eat the weed plants.. But you sure the weed plant would like the hot sauce foliar spray?


Well-Known Member
Only mammals are sensitive to the active substance, the capsaicin. I think it's theorized that that's the reason why parrots go apeshit over hot peppers, they feel or taste it differently from us milk-bearers.


Active Member
My Lab has never touched my growing plants. But a few times I caught her running away downstairs with my bag of dried Buds. I thought maybe its like catnip for a dog.


Well-Known Member
Hey.. anybody else wondering if he could just do that.. what was it, Cheech & Chong? You know, just watch the dog, get its shit, dry that shit up and smoke it to his head! :lol: :lol: