Fungus Gnats?


Active Member
So, I'm PISSED. I've got some unwelcome guests in my grow room. My opinion is that they are fungus gnats, but I've never really had a problem with bugs before, so some input would be nice. If these are indeed fungus gnats, can anyone tell me WHY they are calling my grow room "home"? Are they a sign of bigger problems, like root rot? Or are they just attracted to the wonderful environment that I've created? I just started noticing them recently, and the Hydroponic Shop I use is closed for 4th of July so I can't go get anything to kill 'em. I have laid out some sticky traps to try and capture some of them, but on Friday when the shop opens, I'll be waiting to arm myself for an all-out fucking WAR! These little winged bastards gotta go! I hope they die slow, agonizing deaths!

All joking aside - who has dealt with these before? Can anyone reccommend a good product to take care of them? The guy at my local shop has suggested keeping a bottle of Azamax on-hand just in case of problems like this, and right about now I'm regretting not taking his advice. Any reviews on Azamax for Fungus Gnats?
bastard gnats.jpg----- Sorry - that's the best picture I could get with this camera phone. I think the biggest black spot on there (outside the grid on right hand side) is just a piece of dirt, not a gnat.


Well-Known Member
The main thing is to drench the soil because that's where they have their babies. You can try soaking your soil with Neem oil and water mixed together. I used about 1 tablespoon to a gallon of water. Then I put a layer of sand on top of the soil of each pot, so they cannot breed anymore. Then I used some mosquito dunks in the water that I used to feed my plants. I also used those sticky traps to catch the one's that are flying around. Try not to overwater the plants too. I have to say that these fungus gnats were a pain in the ass to get rid of. I think I got them by using a different brand of soil that was contaminated with them. I don't think they will hurt your plants. They are more of a pest than anything. It didn't take them long to find their way out of the grow room and into the rest of my house. Glad they are gone.


Active Member
Have you used this stuff before? I've read both good and bad reviews on it. A couple people said that they noticed a distinct chemical taste in their bud after using Azamax though. I am hoping those people are too dumb to read the instructions, or maybe didn't properly flush before harvest - but I really don't want to take any chances. Would you agree that what I have is indeed fungus gnats?


Active Member
@kentuckyboy - thanks for the advice. I'm glad to hear they aren't really going to hurt my girls. I'm definitely NOT over watering... I let them go pretty dry before each watering. Started off about 1x a week, but now that they're bigger I have to water more frequently - maybe 2-3x/week? I've also taken measures to ensure my humidity is within a generally accepted range (58-61% during veg, & now 47-52% for flower). I'm going to try and cut the humidity down to around 45% and temperature about 68* & keep it there during the rest of my flower cycle, as I've read this helps promote heavy resin production. Thanks for the advice - my wife said she has noticed the gnats in other places of the house - I just neglected to mention where they are coming from


Well-Known Member
nematodes would be my first choice. for the larvae, the adults are a fairly easy kill.


Well-Known Member
They thrive in wet soil. Are you watering too often?
The cheapest/easiest way to do it is to water them with Neem oil diluted in water.

One or 2 applications and you should be all set with those biggers. I hate those fuckers. More of a nuisance than anything. They don't really do much harm unless you have a lot!


Well-Known Member
The main thing is to drench the soil because that's where they have their babies. You can try soaking your soil with Neem oil and water mixed together. I used about 1 tablespoon to a gallon of water. Then I put a layer of sand on top of the soil of each pot, so they cannot breed anymore. Then I used some mosquito dunks in the water that I used to feed my plants. I also used those sticky traps to catch the one's that are flying around. Try not to overwater the plants too. I have to say that these fungus gnats were a pain in the ass to get rid of. I think I got them by using a different brand of soil that was contaminated with them. I don't think they will hurt your plants. They are more of a pest than anything. It didn't take them long to find their way out of the grow room and into the rest of my house. Glad they are gone.
LOL, didn't even see your post.
I should've just said +1 to your post since you covered the bases.


Active Member
@KidneyStoner - thanks for the response. And I have another question - How am I just now seeing anything about the 250 Club? Where do I sign up? I'm loving the avatar thing in your signature! I'm rocking the 250 this go around... thinking about trying to push for 400 next time though. I'm in a closet 4'w x 2'd x 10'h, so a 400 watt light would give me right at 50watts/ sq.ft.


Well-Known Member
My experience with azamax root drenching was that it was effective against root pests but made the root rot worse.
Have never used azamax for fungus gnats or even heard of that before joining RIU.
Enough people here recommend that I believe it works.

I do yellow traps, potato slices and good air circulation/healthy watering schedule.

Since I started using coco i get them on and off.


Well-Known Member
I have heard yellow sticky traps for adults and peroxide 1 part to 4 water drench or at least entire top dirt wet, then sand over that. Good luck bro!


Active Member
Peroxide? It won't hurt the roots? That would make me a little uneasy I think. I am about to go to the shop and get some Azamax I think. I can't wait to hear the lil bastards scream as they dehydrate and DIE!!! WAR is about to be waged! In all seriousness, they really aren't that bad. I've only seen a few. BUT I don't want them in there fucking and making babies, feeding on my roots and what-not. Will update after 1st application of Azamax and let everyone know how it went. Keeping my fingers crossed.


Active Member
Nobody said I didn't trust peoples' responses buddy. I'm going to apply some neem oil to the bottom leaves on both plants, and then treat soil with the azamax. I REALLY do appreciate all the responses. Sorry if it sounded like I don't. If this doesn't work, I'll go with the Peroxide... just have to do a little more research - aren't there different potencies of peroxide? Which type would you reccommend?


Active Member
They aren't hurting the leaves or anything, but I've noticed when I water they usually abandon the soil and fly to the branches & leaves until I'm done watering... then back to the soil. SOOOOooo I was thinking if I could take care of the areas around the bottom of the plant with neem oil - maybe it would kill the ones who try to dodge the azamax? I'm new to dealing with bugs... maybe that's not a good game plan? I just want to attack them on multiple fronts.


Active Member
Sooo, I applied the Azamax last night and I'm praying it worked. I haven't seen any of those lil guys today, but I know it's too soon to tell.

My wife asked me what seemed like an ingenious question, and I wanted to throw it out here to see if anyone had some input. She has this cleaning appliance- I think it's called The Shark or something - anyways it is a steam cleaner. Has a little hose attachment that sprays super heated water/ steam to sanitize the kitchen. If I cleaned it really really good, and filled with some Ph Balanced water, would it hurt the plant? Seems like if I just sprayed on the surface of the soil, it would kill the shit out of some larvae. Just wondering if it would have a negative impact on the root system? I know it would raise the humidity in my room - but I've got a dehumidifier to bring it right back down. I haven't been able to find any articles on this, so maybe that's a sign that it's a dumb idea. ANY INPUT?


Active Member
i dont think that you want to put boiling water anywhere near your plant just my opinion.. good luck wae the gnats through. you could try pepper spray for the ones on the top
Sooo, I applied the Azamax last night and I'm praying it worked. I haven't seen any of those lil guys today, but I know it's too soon to tell.

My wife asked me what seemed like an ingenious question, and I wanted to throw it out here to see if anyone had some input. She has this cleaning appliance- I think it's called The Shark or something - anyways it is a steam cleaner. Has a little hose attachment that sprays super heated water/ steam to sanitize the kitchen. If I cleaned it really really good, and filled with some Ph Balanced water, would it hurt the plant? Seems like if I just sprayed on the surface of the soil, it would kill the shit out of some larvae. Just wondering if it would have a negative impact on the root system? I know it would raise the humidity in my room - but I've got a dehumidifier to bring it right back down. I haven't been able to find any articles on this, so maybe that's a sign that it's a dumb idea. ANY INPUT?