The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
told ya chedz lets let the weed do the talking ive tasted yours it no challenge just me showing ya up m8 lmao

as for electric dont go too crazy always pay ya bill and you will be just fine, i have a fucking heater 2000k fucking thing use's bout 8quid a day on full blast.
fuk bet thats expensiove on 18-6 mate! i guess thats y everyones doing 12-12 from seed lmao IMAGINE doing auto's with 2k hps lmao

where's this heavy rain we were fucking promised!!!! got a few things to do that are noisy and want the rain to help drown out the noise, fucking typical the one day in Wales you want it to hammer down and all we get is showers
mate fucking turrential downpour here blood! haha yamanbludclat


Well-Known Member
A nice cure always about the cure lol I could cure many a seed strain for time and get flavours and highs that match any clone-only it all about the just dry!

I've grown some really tasty strains from seed in coco without a cure, it can be done you just got to know how ;)

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
mate fucking turrential downpour here blood! haha yamanbludclat[/QUOTE]

That's what I'm wanting been waiting for it since I got up and still fuck all, looks to be getting harder though so fingers crossed, don't want to have to resort to the naked rain dance just yet our gardens over looked and wouldn't want to be scaring the neighbours lol

Blood, yamanbludclat, you learning a new language or something lol ya illiterate slag


Well-Known Member
ya rasclart! bumberclot!haha

weve had it since last nite mate no shit flooding in thru the bak door,,towels are layed!,,, i was gunna say summet but totaly fcuking forgotten oh well cant have ben major

oh yeh tennis is on pause bbl raslclat "suk me gumsx2)

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
ya rasclart! bumberclot!haha

weve had it since last nite mate no shit flooding in thru the bak door,,towels are layed!,,, i was gunna say summet but totaly fcuking forgotten oh well cant have ben major

oh yeh tennis is on pause bbl raslclat "suk me gumsx2)
understood most of that as for the rest of it, ok? lmfao just as I get the hang of reading what you type you go and throw another curveball into the mix. ENGLISH mate in ENGLISH some of us don't speak ghetto lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
I've grown some really tasty strains from seed in coco without a cure, it can be done you just got to know how ;)
Is that strain dependant mate? I've doen a bit of homework on coco and even run a side by side myself once but kept it simple with chem ferts, I know coco starts of inert or nearly inert just wondering if you think a solid organic regime could work well? the more I think about it the more I can't see any reason why it wouldn't.


Well-Known Member
lolol I'm gonna go on there later and have a look, I've never paid any attention to the stuff they sell, If it never broke would it have been worth the £7? might sound a stupid question but I used to get liverpool mugs on bdays, xmas etc and have bought few from the disney shop for the little one's and they aren't cheap, but they're good quality and last years.

what lights are you running mate>? I'm sure I've asked before but my memory has gone to bits lol

I just had some dodgy seeds aswell mate, the otherday I started a pack of sensi super skunk (3 outta 5 germed) and a pack of positronics AK47 X critical mass (5-5 germed but one took 3 days longer) 2 days ago I binned them all, they were so slow it was unreal, I did everything by the book they started ok apart from being really slow to crack and then once potted up after rooting out in their root riot cubes they done fuck all, developed their cotyledons and that was about it, you could see the start of new growth but at the rate they were going they'd still be in veg at xmas lol I look at it as a bit of a lottery with seeds and usually try to do 2X more than I need, not this time though so fingers crossed, I'll prob put mine into soak monday, tuesday ish
they are just bog standard tea cups mate, the type you can get for £1 probably, just with world of seed or g13. they where the 2 ive had. the first time i got a wallet that was shit. you dont get to choose what mug you have either lol.
im running 2x 600w duel spec lights in euro reflectors mate but thinking of upgrading to 2x 1000w on a light mover if i can put them up the attic. ive had a word with my builder mate and he said i should be able to take that chimney out being as its blocked off at the top but ill have to have a closer look before doing it


Well-Known Member
You still of the beer mate or are ya gonna grab a few tinnies to help it down? or up should I say lol
back on it mate, cider and vodka, goin to a weddin reception at 9pm. bur after tonite im off for two weeks until the Wickerman festival, need ta save the pennies for it...and give the liver a wee break too.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Wahey. Karma rocks! Coach was an hour late so dilligently stayed with the gf holding the umbrella, so upon getting home, went to tesco and bought 3 big bottles of becks and a big bottle of leffe, some stir fry veg and sauces, paid a tenner in cash and tried to pay rest on my card, gf had locked my pin, so went outside, got another tenner out, went back in and gave it to a different person, and she gave me £19 change from £20 :D wahoooo. Free booze! :)

mr west

Well-Known Member
Wahey. Karma rocks! Coach was an hour late so dilligently stayed with the gf holding the umbrella, so upon getting home, went to tesco and bought 3 big bottles of becks and a big bottle of leffe, some stir fry veg and sauces, paid a tenner in cash and tried to pay rest on my card, gf had locked my pin, so went outside, got another tenner out, went back in and gave it to a different person, and she gave me £19 change from £20 :D wahoooo. Free booze! :)
how was this karma? What lovely things have u been doing to deserve free booze?


Well-Known Member
Wahey. Karma rocks! Coach was an hour late so dilligently stayed with the gf holding the umbrella, so upon getting home, went to tesco and bought 3 big bottles of becks and a big bottle of leffe, some stir fry veg and sauces, paid a tenner in cash and tried to pay rest on my card, gf had locked my pin, so went outside, got another tenner out, went back in and gave it to a different person, and she gave me £19 change from £20 :D wahoooo. Free booze! :)

christ ive been outta here for a while!!! youve gotta gf???? dont get me wrong no accusations of faggotness....just didnt imagine you putting up with the associated bullshit that goes with the vaginad!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
how was this karma? What lovely things have u been doing to deserve free booze?
I held an umbrella :) Although by not giving the money back i guess that was a middle finger at karma, but i have the beer now so sod karma lol. If it was a small shop i'd have given it back but not a big ass supermarket putting all the small shops out of business by opening express stores on every corner.

christ ive been outta here for a while!!! youve gotta gf???? dont get me wrong no accusations of faggotness....just didnt imagine you putting up with the associated bullshit that goes with the vaginad!
Not too much bullshit with this girl luckily, and any of the associated bullshit that does arise, i just ignore it while smoking a big joint she rolled for me lol. Bit of a pot head.


Well-Known Member
Is that strain dependant mate? I've doen a bit of homework on coco and even run a side by side myself once but kept it simple with chem ferts, I know coco starts of inert or nearly inert just wondering if you think a solid organic regime could work well? the more I think about it the more I can't see any reason why it wouldn't.
i found this thread quite good about coco

all depending on what you grow it might be better to add a bit of dolomite lime and epsom salts before potting, im getting some for the next run. ive had mag def in the blue cheese. and i wouldnt worry about ph-ing unless you use something like rhitzonic, that stuff shoots the ph up


Well-Known Member
All of Scotland will be celebrating and getting drunk tonight. Also Andy Murray is in the Wimbledon 2012 final


Well-Known Member
Fifa have announced that Rangers will not be using goal line technology next year as it wont work with goal posts made from jumpers.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
they are just bog standard tea cups mate, the type you can get for £1 probably, just with world of seed or g13. they where the 2 ive had. the first time i got a wallet that was shit. you dont get to choose what mug you have either lol.
im running 2x 600w duel spec lights in euro reflectors mate but thinking of upgrading to 2x 1000w on a light mover if i can put them up the attic. ive had a word with my builder mate and he said i should be able to take that chimney out being as its blocked off at the top but ill have to have a closer look before doing it
the robbing bastards you'd think for the price you'd atleast get a decent mug out of it, I went and had a quick nose on there really didn't like what I was seeing especially considering the prices of the clothes, add a few extra quid and actually get a decent make top talk about overpriced shit lol
I would deffo have a good think about that chimney stack mate as it will be a bit of work, was you thinking the whole thing or just down to the attic floor level?
you mentioned the light mover a couple of times now mate, you got something in mind already?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
lol, she's a keeper....balanced chicks are rarer than clean welshmen.
Well she's not entirely balanced lol. But it's lovable craziness, it all works out just pukka :) Been with her a handful of months now but known her quite intimately for a few years anyway. If anything i can simply smile at the notion of her being the perfect justification to buy myself a fridge full of food i really shouldn't be buying :D I've made it quite clear to her that she is number 1 but that food comes in at a very very close second :D