d1stort's CFL-DWC closet grow


Second round, posted quite a few pics of round one before the hack and reset so I'm just gonna post what I can from my tablet.

Basically I have seven bag seeds going now, one is about 2-3 weeks till harvest and then I have three groups of two that may be a week behind each other.

Big setup is a 31 gallon Rubbermaid roughneck with space for 6 5.5in netpots holding around 20-24 gallons at a time in the reservoir. Ratchet strap is VERY effective in reducing the containers swelling when filled, for anyone who was wanting to try one of these.

Smaller setups are 6 gallon totes with 5.5in netpots, single 6in bubblestones.

I have 4 of the big boy CFL's for the later flowering and quite a few of the daylight equivalents running off of random splitters and such. I know I need reflectors but I just moved into this spot and I'm almost ready to build enough reflectors for all the plants +6 more.

The few pics I have.

This was when they were just babies at the old growspot

This is a few days ago, when it gets darker I'll take better pictures of all of them.


top them suckers
Nah, I got better results without topping. The plant that is already deep into flowering is topped, but until I get reflectors and a screen setup, I'm just letting them go straight up. This is only my second grow and now it's a completely different setup and I'm just learning my way through trying not to kill them. My first grow was great, 2 3/4 oz off of two plants with only CFL's and diving straight into hydro with no experience. But it's fun, and I get to smoke some of the best bud around haha


Wow, only two replies? I thought I'd be getting a ton of feedback.

Just checked the Ph in all the reservoirs and they're still holding strong.

I've just been on the Lucas formula up until now but the last picture is with Bloombastic and holy crap a reg bagseed turned out to be ultra frosty and we're still a ways from chopping, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed she comes out magnificent.


Thanks guys I'll try to post an update tonight, my camera sucks though so don't get your hopes up! Haha



So far so good, need to build some CFL hoods here pretty soon to maximize the light being used but the lights are only temporary.


The garden is gone, I had some other crazy things happen in my life and I was forced to chop without even saying a goodbye but I will be back in a few months with something way better.