Those with the “drill, baby, drill” mentality are either ignorant to the fact that we do not need more oil or are being manipulated and used as shills by the big oil conglomerates in order to increase their unprecedented profits.
Our country has a surplus of oil. Oil demand in our country is the lowest it has been in the last 10 years. In fact, since 1908 the United States has been exporting oil to countries such as Brazil, Mexico and Chile. Prior to that, we had consumed all the gas we produced plus imported gas. We presently have more drill sites, are drilling more than ever and are producing greater quantities of oil than we have in the last 10 years.
another copy and paste job, i thought those were verboten under the new dictatorship?
that shitty little 3 paragraph article was pure bullshit.
what the retarded author intended to say was :
the US exports plenty of GASOLINE AND OTHER OIL BASED FUELS to other countries. the most important part of the oil, the medium wieght materials that make up perhaps 60% of the mass but only about 10% of the volume of the barrel are NOT exported, but in fact we are net IMPORTERS of these materials.
the author, and you cheesus do not understand how fractional distillation works.
oil is not just a bunch of gasoline with impurities in it. gasoline is one of the impurities that contaminates the desired product which is medium weight hydrocarbons for industrial and chemical feedstocks.
the middle weight stuff is what we want, to make plastics, textiles, dyes, pharmaceuticals, lubricants, and even some food products. failure to understand this is not your failing (maybe), but the failing of the press who perpetuate the myth that gas prices are related to our imports of oil. they sell this idea like its going out of style with no consideration for truth fact or reality.
gasoline is a waste byproduct used as a motor fuel instead of burning it in open pits. propane and tar are also by products with some marketability, but gasoline is in high demand worldwide, and thus it is shipped WORLDWIDE. the cost of gasoline in the us is dependent on the price of gasoline (lets call it "P" for price) plus the cost of selling it here due to regulations and funky special formulations (lets call that "R" for regulatory) vs the cost of shipping it to another country (lets call it "E" for export price)+ the price for sellling gasoline there (lets call that "F" for foreign regulation) + the cost of shipping it there ("S" for shipping). so (P+R)= price per gallon here (lets call that "A" for actual price), and (E+F+S)= price per gallon in foreign country. (lets call that "G" for gouging)
if A is greater than G, the gasoline stays here, if G is higher than A, that shit gets loaded into a boat and sailed to East Kreplachistan and sold there. the inevitable result is higher prices here, and in East Kreplachistan.
welcome to free trade.
you might want to actually learn how markets work, and how oil is fractionally distilled into it's component parts before making an ass of yourself.