Sexting is Becoming the Norm


Well-Known Member

“Under most existing laws, if our findings were extrapolated nationally, several million teens could be prosecuted for child pornography,” explains a new study on teen sexting, which finds that a whopping 28% of teenagers text fully-nude pictures of themselves. We took a deep dive into the much reported Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine article, and found some weird insights into a 21st century trend that is quickly becoming the norm among teenagers.

1. White kids love sexting. More than any other demographic (Hispanic, African American, and Asian), white students reported sexting in the highest percentage (35%), nearly double that of Asians (19). African Americans were a somewhat distant second at 27%, followed by Hispanics (21%), and Asians.

2. “Several million” teens could be held liable for child pornography, as some states do not define inappropriate sexual behavior as only between an adult and a minor. The prevalence of sexting has put some experts in the awkward position of pressing for laxer child pornography laws
, so that curious teenagers aren’t branded as pedophiles.

3. If you find sexting pics sent from your kid’s phone, there’s a strong possibility that he or she is sexually active. 77% of girls and 82% of boys who had reported sending a sext were also no longer virgins.

4. Gender stereotypes hold true with new technology: boys are bothered by being asked to sext much less than girls. Nearly all girls (~95%) were at least a “little bothered” by sexting requests and roughly 30% were bothered “a great deal.” Yet, nearly half of all boys didn’t mind “at all”, and less than 5% were bothered a great deal. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

5. The suburbs aren’t safe from the trend either: socio-economic status had virtually no effect on whether teens sexted. Parents with a high school diploma or less were only 2% more likely to have sexting teens compared to those with at least some college.

As sexting moves closer to becoming the norm, it begs the question of whether sexting will be seen as deviant to the next generation, just as out-of-wedlock sexual relations became the norm for previous generations. Until such time, sexting still poses distressing risks for teens whose pictures end up in the wrong hands, and suffer dangerous psychological damage from their cruel peers. In other words, talk to your kids about responsible use of technology.

I think sexting will be seen by the generations to come as no big deal, and I also think that's a good thing. The reason a kid would "suffer dangerous psychological damage" from a picture of their naked body getting viewed in the public would be because their parents didn't teach them about the huge taboo about nakedness in the western world and how irrational it is, at this level. Think that Janet Jackson nipslip, people lost their fucking minds!

I think if people just viewed nakedness as something normal, I'm talking appropriate nakedness, nude beaches, nobody freaks the fuck out if someone sees a nipple, it's not a crime to be naked on your own property, stuff like that, it wouldn't be an insane shock to a kids mind if a pic of them accidentally got out.


Well-Known Member
not gona lie that used to be a hobby of me and my buddys as kids..and you got double points if you could get nudies from 2 chicks in the same day.. used to store them in my blackberry under a folder called "art" haha.

if i ever accidentally have kids i wont be buying them a cell phone before they are old enough to make there own decisions as to who to show off there goods to.


Active Member
Padawanbater2 - very true. This shows up a lot with gays as well - feeling horrible, unclean, disgusting, immoral, etc. because of the social stigma... these kinds of stigmas can turn a sexual episode that would perhaps simply be uncomfortable, or maybe even enjoyable, into something that results in PTSD. Think of the 17 year old girl who sleeps with her 20 year old boyfriend, and her parents find out, the boyfriend goes to jail, and she starts to feel victimized, used, etc. even though it was consensual... and it goes downhill fast from there, especially because everyone around her is trying to get her to believe this shit... I have seen it happen.


Well-Known Member
I agree in whole heart. Make those kids find out the hard way that shits on the Internet FOREVER! There will be a campaign against it though. I can see it now the war on sexting lol!
Fuck man I've loved sexting my last two girlfriends, it was so hot! It's like foreplay, there ready to go the second you show up. So yes sexting will become the norm, and like the birds and the bees, it's our responsibility to make our kids aware that's online for good when it goes up if their bf/gf puts it up when they split. But I think kids are doing it younger and younger. I mean we're gonna have to educate them about this at what 10, 11? Before puberty for sure.


Well-Known Member
i really dont see a problem with showing off your shit if your comfortable enough to do so. we have bigger issues in the world other than who saw what part of who.


Well-Known Member
there is nothing wrong with it.
but guys are like sooooo pushy with it, trying to get you to do it, and they call you a prude and etc when you say no.
and yeah, i dont really like it, i prefer flirty, slightly sexual texts that bring a blush to your face without getting all raunchy with it.


Well-Known Member
Oh shut the fuck up. Those pics are from isanyoneup. Those chicks are 18 and over. And who fucking cares? If you're fucking IDIOT-ENOUGH to post that shit, then you deserve every fucking bit of scrutiny that comes with it.
Haha, I'm 28, and I felt wrong seeing those pics even though they're censored. Phew....glad I'm not a pedo.



Well-Known Member
Definitely over 18, beeeetter?

I do feel something needs to be said, maybe another thread, but what's the difference, physically, between a 17 year old and an 18 year old? Speaking in terms of evolution, the female body becomes physically mature earlier than a males, and we're hardwired to be attracted to the physical features of somebody, subconsciously, once they become physically mature. We just decided to mark an arbitrary line in the sand at 18.

I'm clearly not saying teenagers are attractive, just that, physically speaking there's no real difference the closer a person gets in the later stages of physical maturity. Personally, I think an 18 year old's mind is no different from a 17 year old'd, not really anyway, in any significant way.

But yes, all those chicks are over 18. From legit websites that remove even the slightest indication of (or complaint about) underage people.

Sext on!


Pickle Queen
Ok please don't post pics of girls that have questionable ages, i have no choice but to delete them if they look like minors, not cool man :(