Iso Extractions by _oakley_

Thanks for the great guide Oakley, I have two bottle of 99% isopropyl sitting in my freezer now. I smoked some of the ISO that billcollector99 made and it was great!

I have one question; I am going to be using cured bud to make the ISO, do I still need to freeze the bud before making the ISO?
Thanks for the great guide Oakley, I have two bottle of 99% isopropyl sitting in my freezer now. I smoked some of the ISO that billcollector99 made and it was great!

I have one question; I am going to be using cured bud to make the ISO, do I still need to freeze the bud before making the ISO?

most deffinatly, freeze it all! ive even got in habit of freezing my containers/filters... heat is your enemy, even if its just 1deg celcius
most deffinatly, freeze it all! ive even got in habit of freezing my containers/filters... heat is your enemy, even if its just 1deg celcius

Thx. And just to feed my curiosity; is this because keeping it colder, longer makes for a cleaner product?

Oakley - How long does it usually take you to cook your ISO down? I am using a crock pot on low since I didn't find a hot plate at walmart. I know our times will be different, especially since I halved the recipe but I still was curious as to how long it took to cook it all the way down. I am taking it slow because I don't want to burn it. So far so good.....

When do I scrape the goo? When it cools down all the way or just about halfway?

I am almost done cooking, damn it's taking a long time but I am sure it's better to go slow.
Wow, thanks a lot guys! JK, everything seems to have gone well. I made full melt, yay!

It's a little darker than yours, Oakley, because I think I burnt it a little but I am still pleased with it for my first time.

The high is pretty damn strong and instantaneous. Thanks again Oakley, great guide. I will continue making it so I can get better and better.

QWISO (1 of 1).jpg
I cannot wait to try this tek. Thanks Oakley for taking the time to make this for everyone to use free of charge!
just ordered some 99.9% iso.. should arrive tomorrow.. going in the freezer to get ready for the weekend
hopefully don't screw up too bad.. fine with everything except the cooking.. bit unsure but hopefully will work it out.
just ordered some 99.9% iso.. Should arrive tomorrow.. Going in the freezer to get ready for the weekend
hopefully don't screw up too bad.. Fine with everything except the cooking.. Bit unsure but hopefully will work it out.

wheres his help!?!?!?
just ordered some 99.9% iso.. should arrive tomorrow.. going in the freezer to get ready for the weekend
hopefully don't screw up too bad.. fine with everything except the cooking.. bit unsure but hopefully will work it out.

I used a crock pot on low and it worked very well. Get the kind of cock pot with a ceramic or stone insert because it's really easy to scrape off the goo from that surface. I think the metal kind of crock pot would scratch much easier and also be harder to get all of the ISO. I put the crock pot out on my balcony with a piece of screen door mesh on top of it to keep bugs and dust out. I also put a fan on the opposite side to suck the alcohol vapors away from my balcony door. Hope that helps and good luck.
the missus invited folks around this weekend.. so will need to wait until the next..
these are all great ideas though.. thank you.

got the iso in the freezer already though..

I used a crock pot on low and it worked very well. Get the kind of cock pot with a ceramic or stone insert because it's really easy to scrape off the goo from that surface. I think the metal kind of crock pot would scratch much easier and also be harder to get all of the ISO. I put the crock pot out on my balcony with a piece of screen door mesh on top of it to keep bugs and dust out. I also put a fan on the opposite side to suck the alcohol vapors away from my balcony door. Hope that helps and good luck.
Well I`m gonna start with your method and am onboard with freezing dishes and
keeping contact time short. I do have a few questions.
1 I have a flat top stove and am wondering if it will work.
My plan is to open all the kitchen windows and use a big fan to void the fumes outdoors.

If that is advisable would I need to make a double boiler situation or just pyrex right on the flat top.

boil near 10 minutes making sure the boiling dosent get out of hand by removing pan if need be.

The other thing is, do I start this cooking right after i do the second strain into the pyrex or do I
let it sit outside for a while.

Next for 16oz of 91% including the initial boil approx how long shoulf the cook take over low heat.

Many thanks, I`m glad I found your recipe because I think I will get some very clean product.

Reading back a bit I see some using crock pots. That I have so it could be better than working in my home.
Well I`m gonna start with your method and am onboard with freezing dishes and
keeping contact time short. I do have a few questions.
1 I have a flat top stove and am wondering if it will work.
My plan is to open all the kitchen windows and use a big fan to void the fumes outdoors.

If that is advisable would I need to make a double boiler situation or just pyrex right on the flat top.

boil near 10 minutes making sure the boiling dosent get out of hand by removing pan if need be.

The other thing is, do I start this cooking right after i do the second strain into the pyrex or do I
let it sit outside for a while.

Next for 16oz of 91% including the initial boil approx how long shoulf the cook take over low heat.

Many thanks, I`m glad I found your recipe because I think I will get some very clean product.

Reading back a bit I see some using crock pots. That I have so it could be better than working in my home.

flat top stoves i have no idea ive never worked with one!
16oz iso isnt going to take long to cook off, probably 1/2hr or less

i cook in my kitchen all the time, i open doors/windows... never once had a problem, dont smoke, dont light pipes etc... obvious things when working with liquid fuels
as is my favorite method of cooking now, i use a pancake grille and a pyrex pan that fits it exactly (very large pan...) i put that in my bathroom on counter, close door open window and turn on bathroom fan, keeps iso fumes contained and evacuates fumes... works great! (dont hold me responsible if you blow yourself teh fuck up doing this... like i said... fuel vapors + electricity/sparks/open flame dont mix well... be SMART)
+rep oakley1984

First time making oil using your method with your measurements and it turned out great :hug:

The oil was a little darker, like a cherry wood colour but I only had about 1/2 oz mid grade and 1/2 oz of some sugar trim that I had ground up like coffee grinds :spew:

Spread a little on some paper with a small sprinkling of BlueberryGum and have smoked about 1/4 of the J and I want to finish this post and go to bed. :sleep:

I will try and get some pics when I finish storing it, and for those who care; I used a stovetop flat grill, picked it up from walmart for $16.88 (rollback days must be on :-P)

flat top stoves i have no idea ive never worked with one!
16oz iso isnt going to take long to cook off, probably 1/2hr or less

i cook in my kitchen all the time, i open doors/windows... never once had a problem, dont smoke, dont light pipes etc... obvious things when working with liquid fuels
as is my favorite method of cooking now, i use a pancake grille and a pyrex pan that fits it exactly (very large pan...) i put that in my bathroom on counter, close door open window and turn on bathroom fan, keeps iso fumes contained and evacuates fumes... works great! (dont hold me responsible if you blow yourself teh fuck up doing this... like i said... fuel vapors + electricity/sparks/open flame dont mix well... be SMART)

Thanks for the reply. I am gonna try my steamer and make sure the steam and fumes are blown away
towards the exit instead of pulled in. Something about pulling fumes across the fan scares me.
Maybe just paranoid but I have only been on fire once in all my years so thats pretty good, lol
I cant`t thank you enough for the thread. I have watched a ton of vids and read all about this
and I really like your method for keeping the gunk out.
oil pr0n
tahoe og jizz


ty oakley