Club 600


Well-Known Member
If it's a 6 you are winnin already!!!

Wakey Bakey Rise and Shine>>>>>

Is it a plane, is it a bird, NO ya fukkin daft twats, ITS A SixHunner!!!!


Letsbefriends-Preggers Feminizled DOG

THE BEAST!!!!!!!!!! DOG bx1 Pics don't do it's size justice. Very vigorous growth, large flowers, still a little bit more leaf/bud ratio that Momma Dog, but very happy so far. She is straight up fuel to my nose at the minute. Can't wait to try the smoke on this. Looks like it might go to 10 weeks though so probably not going to be ready for my Bif-day:( may be a little snip shall be taken:)

Looking in.

Some yins waiting to go into the flower cab...

Peace and DOGs to all a youse.



Well-Known Member
Garden is looking most verdant, D

Heh, speaking of video...
... just started a movie a few minutes ago and almost skipped past the FBI warning:



Well-Known Member
morning lad, always good having you this side of the water;)

how about this one, or just put Little Dragon - Blinkin Pigs in youtube;)
Video not available in the uk. :(

Nice looking plants though mate. Love that dog scrog.
Garden is looking most verdant, D

Heh, speaking of video...
... just started a movie a few minutes ago and almost skipped past the FBI warning:


Is that the time already, off to bed;) Sundays are grrrrrrrreat, say Tony Tiger.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Oh, and just before I go off to bed, lmao, here's a little sNUGgle for ya'll :shock:

6 1/2 week CCXCDXStomperOG...getting it's Brazilian this morgen, smelling lush already.

EDIT: rock solid springs to mind at the moment, hehehe...laters.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
was this your message to DST?

you missed a great race last night which Tony won in a wreck filled finish.



Well-Known Member
*Sigh* So the ac guy is coming. I figure since im legal everything should be ok but damn i get nervous everytime a stranger is near my grow...


Well-Known Member
*Sigh* So the ac guy is coming. I figure since im legal everything should be ok but damn i get nervous everytime a stranger is near my grow...
I'm in the SE U.S. so no legal patient here and i had the ac guy in the house a few days ago. I was watching his every move like a hawk. I know he hated it because i hate to watched while i work but i'm too damn paranoid. and i need a new filter.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
my a/c man used to be my dealer and he now waits for my phone call for a repair job.....nights, week-ends and holidays. He has relatives that live in Oakland who send him some of their herb which he gladly shared (which I gave away) because he wanted some goodness from my grows, which I loaded up on him. This guy is 100% trustworthy....and a good friend too.



Well-Known Member
Only way you can avoid a technician is to learn these things and DIY, can also save you loads of money! Now there are risks too lol don't want to be stuck screaming to yourself "WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING!" been there plenty lol but failure is a great teacher too.. Just gotta choose your battles I guess.... Ok I'm baked :lol:

Update: all seeds cracked their shells and have FINALLY been put into cups.
All sb 1 x ?p


Well-Known Member

Thanks seed fairy! Holy crap, this is a lot of seeds :D Best mail I've gotten in a long time, lol.

Peeps in the 6-0-0 keep it real. I can't wait until I have something that I can give back to all those who've shared with me.

THANK YOU! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Good evening, D :-)

Just sitting here in my newly spacious room, soaking up the A/C and getting ready to eat something.
Then I'll get to crack-a-lackin' on the venting of the closet.
I finally found all of my 6" flex-hose, so won't have to buy any more of it.
But might be needing a pair of new window fans. The ones I have are about to fly apart.

If I have enough energy I'll be working on re-arranging the room.

I hope you're doing well over there and had a restful Sunday


Well-Known Member

Thanks seed fairy! Holy crap, this is a lot of seeds :D Best mail I've gotten in a long time, lol.

Peeps in the 6-0-0 keep it real. I can't wait until I have something that I can give back to all those who've shared with me.

THANK YOU! :peace:
Fairy working on Sunday? Now that's dedication!