Help me down the gateway..

Ok. I'm in search of a divine experience and I just want to make sure I do safe as possible without jumping in the deep end first.
Ok. I'm in search of a divine experience and I just want to make sure I do safe as possible without jumping in the deep end first.

"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over." - Hunter S. Thompson

You need to first lose yourself to find yourself :cool:
Well put. Anyone have some testimonials?

Well smoking DMT is an extremely intense yet short lived psychedelic experience. The main psychoactive chemical in mushrooms is Psilocin (4-OH-DMT) a structural analog of DMT. It is similar in some respects to DMT but does not usually facilitate an out of body experience or produce the "realer than real" vivid closed eye visuals that vaporized DMT does. Granted if you take a high enough dose of Psilocin i'm sure it could come close. It does have a longer duration than DMT so it gives the user more time to experience the altered state of consciousness that both drugs permit. I would personally suggest mushrooms for a first time user seeking a "divine experience" as vaporized DMT kind of thrusts you into a completely alienated realm the likes of which I can guarantee you've never experienced sober (unless your a master of meditation..). An than seemingly just as quickly throws you back down to sober reality. Leaving most people saying when they get back something along the lines of "Wow that was the most incredible event of my life. It was like... wait, shit how did it go again?". Especially for their first time.. Sensory overload just like most things gets easier to handle and experience the more you do it
. Though the experience can vary depending on how many other plant alkaloids you end up extracting during the extraction, along with what natural source you decide to extract it from.
Swag covered the chemistry well. My experience was that DMT, with its short duration, was much, much better suited to "tiptoeing in" than the longer-duration orally active psilocin congeners. If you get into trouble with DMT, just hang on 60 seconds and it'll be different. I could not say the same with 4-HO-DiPT. It was supposed to be a 90-minute trip but at hour 14 I was still paying the tryp tax ... cncn
I believe its good to be in a good state of mental well being before hand (I.e, no depression/schizophrenia).
As well as knowing that you WILL come back, no matter how far you blasted yourself into the cosmos of substances, and no matter how bad the trip it will end, eventually.
Also, YOU control your trip more than anything. You can be in a totally alien/frightening environment and have a great time, it all depends on how you angle your thoughts, so to say, at the time.
Those are my general 'rules of the thumb' with any psychedelic/substance.
That being said, I would definitely try mushrooms before doing DMT, work your way up in dosage over a period of time, and once you think you've got a handle on the 'psychosphere' as I like to call it, have a blast at DMT.

Happy tripping. :D