The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I was driving home from the pub last night, more than a little worse for wear and I was having difficulty keeping the car in a straight line. As expected, it wasn't too long before I was pulled over.
I wound the window down to an angry looking copper.
"Good evening sir" he begun. "Have we been drinking tonight?"

"Well I can't speak for you," I replied "But I've been knocking them back all night."

"And just how much have you had, then?" he asked.

"Well I've had nine lagers, two Guinness, about a bottle of voddy and a couple of scotches." I told him.

"I see." said the copper. "And would you mind taking a breathalyser test?"

"Why?" I said. "Don't you fucking believe me?"


Well-Known Member
Well thats everything broken down and hidden so now just got to wait for this plumber to show up, fix everything and fuck off and then I can get set back up lol fucking pain in the arse all this but hey at least I havent got plants waiting to go in or anything lol


Well-Known Member
Well thats everything broken down and hidden so now just got to wait for this plumber to show up, fix everything and fuck off and then I can get set back up lol fucking pain in the arse all this but hey at least I havent got plants waiting to go in or anything lol
Its a right pain man shuttin up shop half way through, had to do it myself few times. Now its not a problem, no one needs access for any reason to my grow room as i spent a few quid making sure by moving meters and pipework out the way. Only way i could be 100% sure and not worry about having to do all that bollox again. Hope its an easy move for ya mate.


Well-Known Member
jimmy fuckin green fingers..well ill be damned.. my god mate where the fuck you been? im glad to see you ok mate! i missed YOU!
Haha ello amber how ya doing, im all good mate dont get on the forum much now but im still about. Left the old 12/12 FS growing for a while and am groing trees lol still pop in to the 12/12 thread from time to time tho. Hope ya doing well and ya garden's looking good mate.


Well-Known Member
Getting BSOD's should not be a reason to buy a whole new pc. It could be something such as simply needing a new stick of RAM, or something a trivial as a driver conflict. Might be worth looking at what is wrong before going and buying a whole new computer when all that was needed was a harddrive format or a £10 fix.
is there a way i can find out whats causing it or do i have to take it to a shop?

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
is there a way i can find out whats causing it or do i have to take it to a shop?
can't help with the comp soz mate but was wondering did you ask me about call of duty the other day? someone asked about it and before I got chance to respond the misses nabbed the lappy since I'd turned the ps3 on.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Haha ello amber how ya doing, im all good mate dont get on the forum much now but im still about. Left the old 12/12 FS growing for a while and am groing trees lol still pop in to the 12/12 thread from time to time tho. Hope ya doing well and ya garden's looking good mate.
cheers jimmy boy!growning trees eh? lol..figures after you got that sweet hot big daddy pimpin set up.... i remember and then you just LEFT . I was like..what the fuck? what happened to da man? ..what a TEASE that jimmygreenfingers very happy to see your well. It is such a pleasant nice surpise for my this morning. im still doing fat little 12/12s under my massive waterfarm scrog girl. I moved to Arizona, its been quite hectic the last several months but im loving the desert life. Take care sweetie! Great to hear from you! off to the grind now.. keep in touch. xox Ambz

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
is there a way i can find out whats causing it or do i have to take it to a shop?
First thing i would do would be to download a copy of ubuntu and burn it to a cd, when you boot the computer, select to boot from CD and before ubuntu boots up there will be an option to perform memtest, a little program that has a look and sees if there are any faults with your RAM. Memory is one of the more typical things to cause the blue screen of death. If the memory passes a few loops without any issues then i would simply whack your windows cd in and re-install. Cheaper than buying a whole new computer, and if it doesn't solve anything, then all it cost was a cd and maybe an hour of your afternoon :)


Well-Known Member
can't help with the comp soz mate but was wondering did you ask me about call of duty the other day? someone asked about it and before I got chance to respond the misses nabbed the lappy since I'd turned the ps3 on.
yeah i was asking about it mate. i used to be big into them but didnt get the latest 1. i got the xbox tho
First thing i would do would be to download a copy of ubuntu and burn it to a cd, when you boot the computer, select to boot from CD and before ubuntu boots up there will be an option to perform memtest, a little program that has a look and sees if there are any faults with your RAM. Memory is one of the more typical things to cause the blue screen of death. If the memory passes a few loops without any issues then i would simply whack your windows cd in and re-install. Cheaper than buying a whole new computer, and if it doesn't solve anything, then all it cost was a cd and maybe an hour of your afternoon :)
ok cheers mate ill look into it. i havent got a windows disk tho. would factory rest do the same cos it came built in

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Firt thing to do will be the memtest, and then yeah, if you don't have a disc, you can either download a copy and use the windows code on the sticker on back or bottom of copmuter, or yeah, just do a factory reset. I'd be surprised if it wasn't something fixable. If you don't play games, hell, i'd just install the ubuntu operating system myself. Takes a while to get used to but once setup to your liking it's a fantastic bit of software.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't it be ironic if they buried Moors Murderer "Ian Brady" alive on the moors .......and didn't tell any fucker where he was buried


Well-Known Member
im fuckin bored.....just potted up my clones, 4 outta five made although ones a bit dodgy lookin but ya never know, other seed one ive got is goin fine, bit stretched but threw a bit more soil in the pot and buried about an inch of stalk ( sounds like sambos sex life that dont it??) potential five plants, 4 blue widow and a qq courtesy of don g&t( really hope its a bitch coz id really like to pull clones off it). my other grow i went to water/feed today but its not in my own house and the dozy cunt was obviously laying in bed suffering coz they were away for the weekend....should be fine coz i gave them a full feed on friday, there on day 9 of flower, 6 blue widow all about 3 or 4 foot tall, looked pretty decent on friday although there not overly bushy...not giving a fuck though, just need a half decent return out the cunts so i can buy all my university books and a new lappy without hitting my student loan. so now ive pretty much run outta shit to do, cant booze coz im skint and saving for a festival next week.....also seem to have lost a hundred quid sumwhere....dunno if sum cunt robbed it out my house or ive just mislaid it...suspect the latter as the former would be far too painful for most of my visitors to contemplate.....fuckin keep on stashing shit when im wasted....ah well ho hum.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Has anyone got any of those Exo x Dreamtime seeds lying around they fancy popping in the post :D From the 1 bud i got to smoke i rather wnt to get some of thoe going come august. Let me know :)


Well-Known Member
yeh bsod's suk ass t could be anything from ram to graphics to cpu or even a cheap power supply! mine was the power supply ,, do wat tt says download them bits or

furrymark----graphics stress test--


sqlio------hard drive stress test--

like T says no need to buy a whole new pc just isolate the problem--dou do any dvds?? do u convertx?? that causes bsod's too fucking pain version 3 is

failing any of that what error do u get at the top of the blue screen?? "driver irq less that equal" or allsorts of shit try keep a eye at the top wen its savin to memory dump


Well-Known Member
First thing i would do would be to download a copy of ubuntu and burn it to a cd, when you boot the computer, select to boot from CD and before ubuntu boots up there will be an option to perform memtest, a little program that has a look and sees if there are any faults with your RAM. Memory is one of the more typical things to cause the blue screen of death. If the memory passes a few loops without any issues then i would simply whack your windows cd in and re-install. Cheaper than buying a whole new computer, and if it doesn't solve anything, then all it cost was a cd and maybe an hour of your afternoon :)
my pcs a piece of shit and quite old , i bought 2x1gb stick of ram, hasnt helped much i dont run games...just general surfing in here sickapedia, hotmail, facebook etc. is it possible to do that memtest thing without doin the boot from cd number or having to re-install, cant be arsed re-installing coz i know thats not the problem.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone got any of those Exo x Dreamtime seeds lying around they fancy popping in the post :D From the 1 bud i got to smoke i rather wnt to get some of thoe going come august. Let me know :)
wasnt that what you sent me? i still got a handful of them here if u want them mate. maybe got ten, ill happily send u half of them.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Just seen that there is a memtest type tool already built into windows. Goto control panel -> administrative tools and then memory diaggnostic thing. Might require a restart.

The computer I use for those same things is rather old, only 2gb of ram, vista, 1.6ghz processor. No reason you can't get ya thing bak to usable. Mine does me just dandy :)


Well-Known Member
Just seen that there is a memtest type tool already built into windows. Goto control panel -> administrative tools and then memory diaggnostic thing. Might require a restart.

The computer I use for those same things is rather old, only 2gb of ram, vista, 1.6ghz processor. No reason you can't get ya thing bak to usable. Mine does me just dandy :)
yweh prolly be a driver or sum shit no doubt keep a yey next time for wat the eoror says at the top,,

im going to play ps3 200gb 4 games,2 pads, slim,box,headset to look a total plum

90 qwid!!! awsome :) ukrg11 psn id