Ok to "not" support our troops?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I don't support the troops dying, but at the same time, i don't support them murdering other countries citizens.

i also don't support all the fucking hand outs they get after serving. An average 18-24 year old will be paid more in the military than in a normal entry level civilian job; that's fine, their job demands more.. BUT; free housing? FREE education (also getting the right to select classes before civilians? fuck that), ridiculous discounts from pretty much any local or small business... all because they were willing to kill other people.

that's a fucked up trade off.
You want all those goodies? No problem, sign up. It's not just a job, it's an adventure!

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Actually Canadian completions guys are at the top of the heap! :o

Meh, Canadians... Basically, just the 51st state. Before you get your hackles up, I am saying that with love.

My son works for MI SWACO as a mud man. He likes the work pretty well and he makes decent money.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i don't understand the beef with the troops themselves. i don't understand how "our wars are bullshit" somehow translates to "fuck the troops". just because the people we voted in start/join bullshit wars does not mean that we don't need the troops or that they are worthy of personal ridicule. i don't care if they joined for love of country or for free shit or for exotic pussy. one day if there happens to be a real threat to our security, they are going to be the ones tearing shit up while the rest of us try to keep the country going.

people act like the troops are on safari knocking back cristal while the rest of us are eating ramen. i'm pretty sure most of them are no more thrilled with the current situation than any of the rest of us. so they chose to join the service instead of working at safeway or the coal mine or wherever. big fucking deal. if your beef is with the war, then fine, but i really don't get what's so bad about a dude who chose to join the military, regardless of what other options he was presented with.


Well-Known Member
i don't understand the beef with the troops themselves. i don't understand how "our wars are bullshit" somehow translates to "fuck the troops". just because the people we voted in start/join bullshit wars does not mean that we don't need the troops or that they are worthy of personal ridicule. i don't care if they joined for love of country or for free shit or for exotic pussy. one day if there happens to be a real threat to our security, they are going to be the ones tearing shit up while the rest of us try to keep the country going.

people act like the troops are on safari knocking back cristal while the rest of us are eating ramen. i'm pretty sure most of them are no more thrilled with the current situation than any of the rest of us. so they chose to join the service instead of working at safeway or the coal mine or wherever. big fucking deal. if your beef is with the war, then fine, but i really don't get what's so bad about a dude who chose to join the military, regardless of what other options he was presented with.
thats pretty fuckin spot on right there man

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to give you all the chance to say hi to the NARC Corso. He got so turned on by those pictures, he reported my post. I'd like it known, I have no problems if another man gets turned on when he sees another man's rock hard penis. Please, everyone tell Corso we all approve of his lifestyle and there's no need to report posts because you're ashamed.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
its ok not to support the troops i guess this is america but i would say you dont understand how things work to feel that way i support the troops my brother is a marine and has been over seas of and on for over 20 yrs. bring the troops home and rebuild america and i bet you will change your mind but they dont get to choose what they do

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
its ok not to support the troops i guess this is america but i would say you dont understand how things work to feel that way i support the troops my brother is a marine and has been over seas of and on for over 20 yrs. bring the troops home and rebuild america and i bet you will change your mind but they dont get to choose what they do
You choose to join. It would be like me working at a slaughter house as a vegan. You think I would get many awards from animal rights groups?


Well-Known Member
I think I got to the point where I cant stand this "you have show respect for our troops" moto. Says who?

"Oh, they are fighting a war for your freedom". Are they really?

While I would love to go into a big "Iraq/Afgan" war rant, I just want to vent a little and say "fuck our troops". Actually im going to put it on one of those stupid ribbons for the back of my car that says that.

"You cant do that, you'll get shot" Really? Now I have to worry about my freedom of speech from my own people? Why do I have to be fearful to disagree on this issue?

Also all the people that I know that are "troops" joined because they needed money or education. Not the selfless act of "fighting for our freedom".

So yeah, I'm not scared anymore, fuck our troops and fuck these useless wars.
I haven't read the whole thread, but I gotta say, this is pretty fucked up.

Why would you ever think saying "fuck the troops" is justified? Fuck the goverment, sure, but fuck the troops?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
deleted gibberings of a bitter sad degenerate failure of the human spirit

brave men, like both my grandfathers, 3 of my uncles, 2 brothers and six cousins joined up because they trusted in their leaders. they believed in their country, and chose to serve rather than hope somebody else would do it.

all sacrificed a lot. the ones who came back from vietnam were treated like garbage by useless twats who blamed them for the war they didnt choose.

i reject everything you said, everything you stand for and hope you someday say something like that to a vet. he wont have to "shoot you" assbeatings are cheaper than bullets.

go back to pallettetown, professor oak forgot to issue you a brain with your pokedex.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
brave men, like both my grandfathers, 3 of my uncles, 2 brothers and six cousins joined up because they trusted in their leaders. they believed in their country, and chose to serve rather than hope somebody else would do it.

all sacrificed a lot. the ones who came back from vietnam were treated like garbage by useless twats who blamed them for the war they didnt choose.

i reject everything you said, everything you stand for and hope you someday say something like that to a vet. he wont have to "shoot you" assbeatings are cheaper than bullets.

go back to pallettetown, professor oak forgot to issue you a brain with your pokedex.
Our times are not like that anymore. We strive to better ourselves but still act like barbarians? Another thing, we have the internet, so you can't hide your bullshit anymore. We are informed before it hapens. People are more educated. The jock is the new nerd. You said you're a libertarian. How can you then be for taking others liberty? It sucks your brothers, uncles, etc were lied to. Continuing to support inhuman actions out of some warped sense of patriotic duty doesn't change reality. What we fought so hard to free ourselves from the bondage across the sea, we now do to other nations across the sea. You should know the only reason we left Iraq is because its citizens threatened to sue us. It wouldn't have mattered if McCain had been in office, our withdrawl would've been on the same date. We did the same in World War 2, and waited until the bad side and good side were both worn out we could invade. Our excuse was not wanting to get involved. But the real reason was to minimize our losses and use that to our advantage afterwards. All wars after our fight for independence were all about posturing and image. All those Hollywood movies glorify war and try to make us look like heros. The Japanese did horrid things, like the raping of Nanking. But they lost. If we had lost instead, which Nanking would be written about us? To this day the liberal party of Japan pray for those executed because of war crimes, but they call them the fallen war heros. Those same Japanese war heros believed in their country and others cry out how they're now treated like garbage.


New Member
i understand how a lot of troops feel. i know a ton of vets and have met many more...and they all generally are people with solid intentions. I mean c'mon, they get paid MINIMUM to do something I'd be scared shitless to do so I can't help but feel personal respect for them! At the same time, I do not support foreign policy and think such affairs could cause the US conflict. Sooo much of our outstanding DEBT is cuz of war, and it just doesn't seem to benefit the US much? I could be wrong though...i mean i first heard about jeff immelt being appointed jobs czar or something by obama at the same time troops entered mineral-rich afghanistan. business first lol...then the creation of jobs yadda yadda *speech write script to win election* ...


New Member
it's sorta like...fuck man, we're all just BORN into this system...where wealth is DICTATED by central banks. and really this makes the political arena subservient...and subordinate. we all just tryin to get our bread, feed the kids, put a smile on wifey's face


Well-Known Member
I was going to join the military when I was younger, but I didn't agree with fighting for other peoples greed and their religious beliefs.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Our troops have nothing to do with the useless wars, they just do what they're told. Your distaste is pointed in the wrong direction.

While many young men and women are ignorant of the way they are being manipulated, some eventually wake up. The donning of a uniform does not and should not automatically grant respected or hero status. The sad truth is most of what is being done today militarily by "our troops" has very little to do with "defending" and more to do with world domination and control.

'Just following orders" when committing acts of atrocity or invading another persons home is not a magic responsibility shifter. We are all responsible for the choices we make. the best thing a young person could do is put down the gun and open their mind to how they are being used.


Well-Known Member
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the military introduce this thing called a time out card if you feel they are being to rough on your during basic training? I remember hearing something about that. If it is true, no wonder there is so many people with PTSD. If I'm wrong, I apologize.


Well-Known Member
I was wrong. Just did some research. However in the early 90's the Navy did issue them for a limited time. That's about as far as it went.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
a lkot of us grew up with the idea that america was always right crammed into our heads. i was heartbroken when i couldnt join the marines, it had been my goal since i was 8 years old. i pressured my uncle into training me to shoot, and give me daily PT, so i would be ready to join as soon as i could get my mom to sign the release form.

all my cousins were brought up the same way, shit even my mother served as a nurse in korea. it was a family tradition of military service. if i had the chance i would sign up now. but recruiters tell me they dont need old fat cripples, even if they can shoot real good. people who join the service do it not as the press tells you, because they got nothing else, not because they are stupid, and not because they are brainwashed. some of us were raised to WANT to serve.

the hippie dippy dingbats, the ME generation and the mindless MTV generation dont get that, all they see is low pay, hard work and dangerous conditions.

if i had been able to join, then i might have regretted having to follow the orders and carry out the policies of bush clinton bush again and eventually barry seotoro, but i would not regret joining, and none of my cousins did either.

my uncle did 3 hard tours in 'nam, and came back a little... odd... (buddhist pot growing survivalist with a weird passion for exotic weaponry) but even he didnt regret service.

when he got back to the US he told me stories of douches who would throw shit at him from their cars if he wore his uniform on the street, shouted curses from hippies, and rejection by the VFW for several years.

anybody who pisses on a vet for bein a vet deserves the asswhoopin he gets. you may not like the policies they caarried out, but theres a good bet they hated the policies too. differnce is, they didnt shrink from the hard choices.