The UK Growers Thread!

ive another 4 months at least on my ban maybe 6...depends if i get the 56 day reduction....fuckin 18 months is fuckin long time using peasant transport with the great unwashed....fuckin screaming kids, noisy mouthy teenagers, piss smelling pensioners, and of course all our favourite seat companion, the fuckin retarded drunk cunt that wants tae slabber his fuckin life story to you.........makes me glad i stopped carryin a fuckin blade years ago or i'd be staring down the barrel of a long haul shift...AH FUCKIN HATE BUSES....and those pricks that drive them ...bout 6 month before i got my ban i handbraked the car to halt in the middle of the towns main street and threatened to drag one fat, greggs pie munchin, greasy shirted, nicotine fingered wheel jockey out through his side window and stamp on him till he stopped moving coz he just pulled straight out when i was halfway thru overtaking his parked bus.....i had my kids in the car and i was NOT a happy bunny.....that cunt was incredibly lucky that day, probably the luckiest day of his fat fucking life that my hammer wasnt down the door well where it tended to reside........ahhhhhrrrrrrrrggggghh....still fuckin hate the cunts......i reckon if we built a new auschwitcz and took maybe every 5th bus in for a zyklon-b shower it would help the country no end...especially in london coz there full of fucking................(fill the blank in yourselves....coz you fuckin KNOW who i mean)...right im off to bed coz this insomnia is making me a bit tetchy.
That applies across the board in London though, lol. Again something that always impressed me in The Netherlands. The frequent use of Dank je wel (or dank u wel, bedankt, dank u, etc = Thanks basically) and also the very common use of Als-je-blijft or Alstublijft (formal). The word everyone from the UK hears and thinks someone is say, "where's yer spliff!"., which effectively means please, but is given as a reponse when handing over something (money, goods, a drink, or whatever.) Literally you could take it to mean, "As you please...". Basic courtesy is amazing, it makes life seem so much rosier:)
Got off the bus other day an turned an said cheers pal..only to realise it was a bird lol looked like a bloke tho lol
londeners are tossers for not sayin thanks used to do my nut workin down there.....ever tried askin for directions? i ended up tellin about 6 blokes they wer pricks for walkin straight by an the women i asked looked as tho i was gunna bum rape um or sumut fuckin daft lol suppose its all foriegn fucks down there???
Quite often when chaps from the north visit "that there London" they do have some eye opening experience's

a long time ago i visited the north, it was interesting but cold and wet ..
i seem to remember folk complaining about various things , including "bad feet" and the price of mild and bitter
anyone ever been to toxteth .. ? now that was a giggle
Quite often when chaps from the north visit "that there London" they do have some eye opening experience's

a long time ago i visited the north, it was interesting but cold and wet ..
i seem to remember folk complaining about various things , including "bad feet" and the price of mild and bitter
anyone ever been to toxteth .. ? now that was a giggle

I just think theres that many dodgy fucks down there tryin to rob, beg or blag ya that the best thing to do is ignore every 1 us northern folk just aint used to it, we'l happerly stand an talk to strangers for hours lol an help any fucka that needs help even if there dodgy lol
unless it's those age old classics

'lendsa tab gadgie' asking when they will repay you your cigarette is generally responded to with a 'get to fuck'
'got 40p for me metty home i'm stranded, I've been round every phone box in a 3 mile radius looking for forgotten change but nixy' = i'm short for me skag man giz a quid.

I'd much prefer them say give me a pound for a bottle of white lightening man. i generally give them it then but maybe i'm the sucker and he's buying skag duping honest folk pissed up round the toon.
I just think theres that many dodgy fucks down there tryin to rob, beg or blag ya that the best thing to do is ignore every 1 us northern folk just aint used to it, we'l happerly stand an talk to strangers for hours lol an help any fucka that needs help even if there dodgy lol


i love london i must say u can get anything 24-7 and wen u want sum drugs ther normally top shelve spec if u get it of the niggers, they tend not to stamp on shit as much as most of em take it themselves!

i will say the hospiotals in london are nuts,,, i went once for sum epipens and fuk me non urgent was 11 hr wait anbd urgent was 5 hrs WTF and it dont help with a big fuk of clok showing u how long neither,,,always full of pakkies and gaollys too sinking like a takeaway that hospital waiting room it tell ya
I just think theres that many dodgy fucks down there tryin to rob, beg or blag ya that the best thing to do is ignore every 1 us northern folk just aint used to it, we'l happerly stand an talk to strangers for hours lol an help any fucka that needs help even if there dodgy lol

lol m8 people here are quite rude in general i find , manners cost nothing i say .. the suburbs are overrun with cops, chavs and fox's

the city is a very different place, full of nutters weirdos and more cops with machine guns .. it can be hard to find someone that speaks English, don't get lost! in da city ,
i once saw a homeless man with one leg eat a fried egg roll near oxford street .. all the runny egg dripping down into his filthy farther christmas beard, while he maintained good balance on his one good leg what a great memory ! for no apparent reason he started fighting with another guy who was wearing a "Jesus loves you" banner LOL
the city of london, home to the mentally ill lol

peace :)

this is a cafe in great yormouth its 15 qwid and if u can eat IT ALL in under 60 minutes u get it for free
I've travelled all over England and Wales working and hate London, It's like crossing a border where all manners go out of the window and people forget how to drive properly.
And what's with those guys that don't speak English and try selling you a newspaper at every set of traffic lights? I mean if I wanted a newspaper I'd walk the 10ft past him and buy one at a normal price, craziness!!!
I find manners more of a class debate on the whole though, I've worked for millionaires that wouldn't give you a drink of their piss if you were dying of dehydration, and then worked on the average working class man's house that couldn't be more polite.
Like the DOC said manners cost nothing, that's how we were brought up don't use them and get a clout as a youngster.
I think the Welsh on the whole are very well mannered in general day to day life, Ive met some lovely people in some terrible places, still haven't managed it in London though lol