How to properly LST my plants .....


I don't have much grow space only about 24 inches I have topped my plants a few weeks back. I have been flowering for less than a week now and they are already growing about an inch a day so I know I am gonna run out of space. I have been reading about LST and it sounds like what I am gonna have to do, but now I am wondering is it okay to do during the flowering stage ? Also the whole idea of bending my plants freaks me out. Should I just bend the branches or should I tie them down ? My plants stems arent all that thick, how will I be able to know I am not going to break them ? Sorry for all the questions but I am new to all this !126.jpg125.jpg124.jpg122.jpg119.jpg


Well-Known Member
I would tie down the two upper most points get them about 1/2 inch to the rim of the pot, go one way with one and one way with the other. Do this every few days as she grows until they reach each other than just hang out and wait. Looks like a perfect time to start to me. I use the big black paper clips, clip them to the rim of the pot and use the tabs to tie the string. Good luck


I would tie down the two upper most points get them about 1/2 inch to the rim of the pot, go one way with one and one way with the other. Do this every few days as she grows until they reach each other than just hang out and wait. Looks like a perfect time to start to me. I use the big black paper clips, clip them to the rim of the pot and use the tabs to tie the string. Good luck
Nice idea with the paper clips, I have seen it done with zip ties but they had to drill the pots and I am kinda clumsy doesnt seem like a safe idea lol ! So do I use like good sewing thread or is that too thin ? So when I tie them down do I also need to bend them and kinda crack the branch ?


Well-Known Member
I did it like this:

I made two strings .. to the main steam .. just over the soil ... from the side of the pot to keep the plant in place ..

so I dont uproot it when I bend it ..

then in the other direction I tied it down .. fist around half way up to get it in a angle so the "real" bend wouldnt be so "sharp" if that make any sens ?

then one more string just under the top nod/leaves .. and do the bend ..

a littel at the time .. over a few days .. so you dont snap it (unless it is a plant with a very thin stem ?)

do it before watering .. so the plant is more easy to bend ..

I fist did it after I repot it .. and then I repot it a littel out of center to give me more room to work with ..

the hole idea is to get the top down so the plant distributes its homones to its other tops so they shoot up .. so get the main top down ..


Well-Known Member
here is a pics .. I know its hard to see ..


if you look closely you can see I have some soft green garden strain in the bottom .. it is attached to the main steam with a loose loop to give the steam room to grow as it do grow is diameter ..

also notice them side shoots shooting up .. I got 7 top .. lets it loos in flowering so I still have the main cola actualy .. some like to top em in the end .. just before flowerinf (a week before or so)


here is a pics .. I know its hard to see ..

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if you look closely you can see I have some soft green garden strain in the bottom .. it is attached to the main steam with a loose loop to give the steam room to grow as it do grow is diameter ..

also notice them side shoots shooting up .. I got 7 top .. lets it loos in flowering so I still have the main cola actualy .. some like to top em in the end .. just before flowerinf (a week before or so)
Ok so I tied them down yesterday (I have pics) ... I did 2 ties on one plant and just 1 on the other cause I ended up bending the stem a bit too much I think :( I mean it looks fine and I have seen people LST there plants that way but I really had just wanted to use the ties only but its all good .. I was really gentle about it though maybe too gently ?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I tie the plants down, sometimes I use stakes made out of this stuff called messenger wire. It is bendy and long as you change the direction of the plant then you are LST-ing it. Just bend it back lower, or out to the side...whatever you want to do really.


I would tie down the two upper most points get them about 1/2 inch to the rim of the pot, go one way with one and one way with the other. Do this every few days as she grows until they reach each other than just hang out and wait. Looks like a perfect time to start to me. I use the big black paper clips, clip them to the rim of the pot and use the tabs to tie the string. Good luck
I tied them down yesterday, and of course being the clumsy ox I am I snaped one of the branches... It didnt break but its bent I didnt tie that branch down but I did do 1 on that plant and 2 on the other plant. I have some pics... I took a picture of the spot where it snaped a bit, I think it looks like it will recover fine ??? IMG_3080.jpgIMG_3081.jpgIMG_3082.jpgIMG_3083.jpgIMG_3084.jpgIMG_3085.jpgIMG_3086.jpgIMG_3087.jpgIMG_3088.jpgIMG_3089.jpgThis is the spot where it kinda snaped a little bit ... Does it look like it will heal up okay ?


I went ahead and did it last night, I did have a tiny lil accident I kinda snaped the branch a bit, but it looks fine and I didnt tie that side I just left it bent .. I posted more pics of what I did last night.......


Active Member
Ive used a strip of duct tape and used it lightly as a band-aid. It didnt repair, but the broken branch stayed alive thru harvest. I saw that technique on a grow dvd and tried it.


Ive used a strip of duct tape and used it lightly as a band-aid. It didnt repair, but the broken branch stayed alive thru harvest. I saw that technique on a grow dvd and tried it.[

So I took a couple pics today, my plant already healed itself from the little snap, and now they look like they are starting to get those little white hairs :) !!!! I took a few more pictures to show everyone :) !IMG_3090.jpgIMG_3091.jpgIMG_3092.jpgIMG_3093.jpgIMG_3094.jpgIMG_3095.jpgIMG_3096.jpgIMG_3097.jpgIMG_3098.jpgIMG_3099.jpgIMG_3100.jpgIMG_3101.jpgIMG_3102.jpgIMG_3103.jpgIMG_3104.jpg