is that really happening?? please let me know if its possible


so i just put a brand spankin new seed in the dirt the root just turned from white to green yesterday its about a 5cm stalk and it looks like another seed is growing out of it. its a small brom little thing i think is a seed, do plants evem grow seeds this early and if not what is it, a node?


Well-Known Member
so i just put a brand spankin new seed in the dirt the root just turned from white to green yesterday its about a 5cm stalk and it looks like another seed is growing out of it. its a small brom little thing i think is a seed, do plants evem grow seeds this early and if not what is it, a node?
I think what you're looking at is the seed you planted, the plant sprouted and the seed shell stayed ontop/attached to the sprout. Is it a mature seed shell? aka does it look like the same seed you planted lol


Active Member
yea the cotyldons are probably starting to emerge and seed could still be attached or dirt, numerous things it could be as said above


Well-Known Member
did it on one of mine last run ..

I did leave it on .. did stall the plant I belive ..

if I see sumthing like it agin I will carefully try to help the plant out of it ..

was the lest good and healthy looking all the way and grew slow ..

maybe just bad genitic ..

but it made a long stretch and the steam had the seed on and got thin at that spot (I belive water had a hard time find its way) so it had a rough start Bc. of it ..


No the original seed feel out of the shell when I planted it I think slipon is right looks like a new seed growing out of it


Well-Known Member
Yeah sounds to me like the shell is still attached to the plant, its very common. If you are careful you can remove it with tweezers or a toothpick just try not to damage the plant. As the leaves grow they will break the seed open naturally.