Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

My first car was a 70 Chevy impala 2 door I bought off my old man for 300 bucks. 350 motor but, only a 2 barrel. She went 50mph all by herself though. Ran it for 2 years sold it for 300 and the guy drove it for years. Can't beat the quality of the old cars. Kind of like us!
My first car was a Studebaker Lark, my aunts old car she gave me when I started college. Lots of good times at the drive in. Booze, smoke and nooky!
I used to leave my shotgun in the HS principals office after hunting in the am. Try and do that now..no need anyway the areas are all developed now .
Don't understand what you mean She would stay going 50 on a semi-flat road for miles once I got her up to speed. Got some nookie in front and back seats of that old ugly yellow car.
Bell bottoms, Platform shoes, and everyone had to have converse sneakers. Parties every Friday nite in the woods, the bon fires from burning tires, the f-cking smoke,you could still see it in the nite,the flames were 30 feet high, the kegs, the weed, the good times. I forgot those times till I came to this thread. The people that came, I never even knew 3/4 of them. Waking up in the middle of the woods the next day, dirty as hell, not knowing anything,wow. I once woke up next to a roadway, waking up, not knowing where I was, couple feet away was Brian, over there was Dave, where the hell did every one else go. This thread is good medicine for the soul. Peace everyone,be kind to the person next to you,even if he's a dick.
Nookie, man that's what I mean. Nookie. I havn't heard that in a long time, 25,30 0r more years. Nookie. Ha!
We didn't really have to worry about STD's either. Crabs was one of the worst back in the day. VD was from alot of guys hitting the skanks. My neck of the woods anyway. Then the 80's came and shit went downhill quick!
You know, I was thinking about this thread today. I will have to admit that I hesitated to post on it the first time because I hate being judged by the "number". If someone doesn't know you and you tell them that you're over 50 they think of you as this old gray haired grandma, and that is definitely NOT me! I still feel good most of the time. I keep myself in good shape. I don't use botox and I don't have wrinkles. I wouldn't trade bodies with any of my daughter's friends. Strangers think that my daughter is my sister. We have been accused of being twins on more than one occasion. She is 36, and I know that I don't look much older than she does. Her boyfriend's buddies are always hitting on me, so I know that I am still attractive. It's not that I am looking for anything, because I'm not, but I just hate being perceived as OLD. I know it sounds vain, but I will bet that there are others out there who refuse to except the fact that they are over the hill, and if not....bring on the haters.

Once you make your peace with it you feel better. I'm going to my 50 yr reunion and learning that 16% of the class have croaked. Why them? Why not me? What me worry?