Help design my closet?


as long as everything can fit in the closet, being an outdoor grower, a 2ft by 3ft closet doesnt seem like much space :shock:


New Member
i cant cut holes no, but the doors are grated, kinda like shutters ya know? so i was gonna seal the bottom half and use the top to push air and bring in new air
cover it and make air hole in bottom to bring in air and hole at top with a fan to exhaust hot air


Well-Known Member
cover it and make air hole in bottom to bring in air and hole at top with a fan to exhaust hot air
that should work just fine with a 400w 600w would be beter for that space if you can get away with the heat...
buy one of those adj ballast with the 250 400 600 settings then you can play around and find what works best..


Well-Known Member
as long as everything can fit in the closet, being an outdoor grower, a 2ft by 3ft closet doesnt seem like much space :shock:
its not much space your right, but with proper training and the right system I wasnt joking you can get a qp every 2 weeks.. or 1 pound every 8 weeks. its your world bro so what do you want it to do?


its not much space your right, but with proper training and the right system I wasnt joking you can get a qp every 2 weeks.. or 1 pound every 8 weeks. its your world bro so what do you want it to do?
yeah im definitely in it for some yields . so i need a 600watt light set up? and how many plants can i do. i wanna do hydroponics.


Well-Known Member
I would stick with 4-6 plants in your flower closet.. look into dwc you can fit 6 buckets in your closet easily.. that would work best if you want a perpetual. or if you want one big harvest you can make a diy tote set up for dwc. or you can do a flood and drain table.? so many options. you can even go verticle with with your space and use 2 400watters.? depends on how much of a dreamer you are and how much you want to invest


I would stick with 4-6 plants in your flower closet.. look into dwc you can fit 6 buckets in your closet easily.. that would work best if you want a perpetual. or if you want one big harvest you can make a diy tote set up for dwc. or you can do a flood and drain table.? so many options. you can even go verticle with with your space and use 2 400watters.? depends on how much of a dreamer you are and how much you want to invest
well if this helps i want as much yield as possible. i have a large demand currently and going from outdoors to indoors will cut my harvest down alot since i have 10 8 ft outdoors plants. but i know turnaround times for indoors are better and i don't have to worry about this heat wave and bugs and all outdoors problems as much. so i just want the best set up to get me the largest yield for the best plants. i don't wanna substitute good plants for a large yield


Well-Known Member
well im a quality over quantity kinda guy myself. for small spaces and hydro growing its always a good idea to stick with one strain, but if one strain doesnt work for you then dwc buckets might work good for you.. that way you can raise the buckets to keep the canopy the same and also some plants like more food than others so there is always a potential for problems in one system..
so whats the plan gonna start by getting the veg room up and going or start in the flower room.?


well im a quality over quantity kinda guy myself. for small spaces and hydro growing its always a good idea to stick with one strain, but if one strain doesnt work for you then dwc buckets might work good for you.. that way you can raise the buckets to keep the canopy the same and also some plants like more food than others so there is always a potential for problems in one system..
so whats the plan gonna start by getting the veg room up and going or start in the flower room.?
im guessing ill go with vegt sicne i have no setup yet and have only seeds to start with. and then ill make my other closet the flowering room in a couples weeks after my veg starts, and just replace them as they go. does tht sound ok?


Well-Known Member
sounds like a great idea.. what strain seeds are you working with?
T5's kick ass for vegging. and there is a product out there called liquid light that will double the growth rate under a cfl.


sounds like a great idea.. what strain seeds are you working with?
T5's kick ass for vegging. and there is a product out there called liquid light that will double the growth rate under a cfl.
see idk what best for indoors yet. outdoors i was doing green house Himalayan and white rhino which were both huge yields and tall plants. but indoors im not sure. i order most of my seeds from Europe so i can get whatever


Well-Known Member
well in a tight space like you have normally I would recommend a indica domm strain, but you can tweak a fast growing sativa to work just as good for you indoors.. im currently working with sativa's in my tight space. something I normally wouldnt do, but in a scrog it should work just fine. Im just not to sure if it will work in a sog yet.


well in a tight space like you have normally I would recommend a indica domm strain, but you can tweak a fast growing sativa to work just as good for you indoors.. im currently working with sativa's in my tight space. something I normally wouldnt do, but in a scrog it should work just fine. Im just not to sure if it will work in a sog yet.
haha i just want something simple for my first indoor grow but will still be of good quality, after we pick a good strain maybe we can get a list of exactly what i need. i have a hydro store across from me so ill order it in a week or so


Well-Known Member
sweet, your bout to enter into a world where great green things happen.. it is such a fun hobby with tremendous potential, but can get real expensive if you dont plan plan plan first....


Active Member
I have the 100% exact same closet size as marines. Definitely following this thread. My other closet is in use though. I'm taking veg plants out and putting them in a different room, light leaks don't make a difference for vegging.

I'm going to use this dark closet, with no light leaks, for flowering. I'm going to get a 400w hps, but I'm worried about heat issues. Going to need advice on the right setup to get.

-Brand/model of air-cooled reflector
-advice on setting up air cooling ducts (and information on materials I'll need to buy aside from the reflector itself)
-tips on the right fans to get

That would be very interesting if I could actually get a qp every 2 weeks.

Right now I just have an intake/outake 4" diameter 6 ft long ducts with 4" inline fan that plugs into the surge protector and Six 2ft T5s. Since this is my veg room currently.. but like I said, I'm going to move this all into a room that does not protect from light because it doesn't matter if it gets 24hrs of light due to out side light leaking during veg.


sweet, your bout to enter into a world where great green things happen.. it is such a fun hobby with tremendous potential, but can get real expensive if you dont plan plan plan first....
yeah well it seems to me that these hydro kits are really expensive if you want super nice ones. the lights arnt too bad of a price and other then that i just need my nuts and ph kits. the intake and exhaust fan are cheap.