how to sneak weed through an airport.. onto a plane and to my destination.?

I always bring 5-6 g back from Amsterdam. A few buds, in 8th bags rolled up in different pairs of jeans in my luggage. I figured if i ever get caught, just play hella dumb and stoned and blame ignorance, stating i packed last minute and forgot they were there. Done it 10+ times. No sniffer dogs awaiting you when you fly back from The Dam, whats the point??!!! :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
Rather you guys than me, I don't think I'd risk it tbh. Especially from Dubai, utterly insane, they'll give you the death penalty for that shit.
I wouldn't be comfortable trying any method; it becomes a felony as soon as you step through the doors. I would probably attempt UPS-ing it to myself in exchange.
I've been to the dam and sent myself weed home. Went to the canary islands 2 years ago and my girlfriend took an oz ground down in her 'special' place. couldn't smoke it all in a week so she brought 1/2 oz home in the same 'special place'. A year later, went back to the same place and bought some lovely hash. on the way home, i ate what was left, about an 1/8. By the time we took off, i was tripping my bollocks off. Never again
I've been to the dam and sent myself weed home. Went to the canary islands 2 years ago and my girlfriend took an oz ground down in her 'special' place. couldn't smoke it all in a week so she brought 1/2 oz home in the same 'special place'. A year later, went back to the same place and bought some lovely hash. on the way home, i ate what was left, about an 1/8. By the time we took off, i was tripping my bollocks off. Never again
ur girl put an oz in her vag? impressive
I was wondering.. did anyone know a good way to snuggle a quarter of weed through the airport...and then succesfully getting to my destination without being caught.... please give me ideas cuz im goin to my cuz house next month and i need to find a way to get it through the airport so i can smoke this Miami shit with my cousin. thankz... PS. he lives in South Carolina... so yeah... please help :blsmoke: :mrgreen:

post it before u leave ur fuking stupid if u try sticking it up your arse mate trus the dogs are good,
easy, for glass, clean it, and check it onto a plane. I took my 3 foot sour zong on an airplane no questions asked. For herb itself, roll dubies, and replace it with the inside of a highlighters. Buy some cigs from anywhere and take out all the tobacco, pack in herb.. Make edibles and replace them with the wrapper from your favorite candy. Bring a tub of coffee beans with you in your suitcase, pack the bud in there, id suggest along the bottom for this, mail it to your destination instead... Just gotta remember dogs don't smell correctly packed bud, they smell your dirty thc finger prints that were on the outside of the bag.
I do not condone shipping, selling, moving, or taking any drugs on planes or anything. I just know how to do it.

well i bet they will have never come across your ideas before eh!
when i went to the dam with my ex mrs, just before i entered the airport, i had my last fag, put my weed in the tobacco pouch, then shoved it in our suitcase, which she gladly admitted she had packed. strangely enough, just as we were going to board the plane, the police phoned me which took me by surprie. my first thought was 'fuck me, you lot have improved' but it was to tell me my hilux had been stolen but recovered. still made me shit myself though
I always bring hash back from Dam, and just keep it in my pocket well wrapped up. I've never seen dogs on the way through as it happens, but I just think hash is better for transporting than skunk anyway. I can bring back 14g in one small chunk no probs. If it's easy to get at then you can always dump it in a bin if you see dogs about...

If you can get a fresh one of those urine sample bottles they use though...they work very well for transporting a little bit of stinky without smelling.
aye. it ended up to be half the size of my cock, so i wasn't too worried

so you shagged her and then the weed parcel broke her in?? ROFL

I always bring hash back from Dam, and just keep it in my pocket well wrapped up. I've never seen dogs on the way through as it happens, but I just think hash is better for transporting than skunk anyway. I can bring back 14g in one small chunk no probs. If it's easy to get at then you can always dump it in a bin if you see dogs about...

If you can get a fresh one of those urine sample bottles they use though...they work very well for transporting a little bit of stinky without smelling.

simplest way is often the easiest hide it in plain site and play dumb! duh oh yeh ummmmm,,,but even so in them paki counrtrys [pff sorry i wouldnt risk it in anyway shape or form theyl hang u for a spliff
I'd buy one of those enormous dildos, hollow it out, stuff your weed in there and pack it w/a bunch of lube and other scary lookin' sex toys. I just have a gut feeling airport folks aren't going to want to touch a giant fucking dildo! Here's one, 15.5 inches! LOL
