KushXoj's pound per plant heavy-weight PPV Grow


Kush you been watching my grows. I let them dry out in flower in Veg twice a day they get some form of water in the ground. This has worked for me and I know the others do it maybe with a drip system or something. When I say others that would be the guys who tend to there plots everyday and grow trees bushes monsters. keepem green dirrtyd
watering everyday since i read your post in kush's thread and omg my plants are exploding and growing like crazy, even in this 109 degree weather not even a hiccup. thanks for the Intel.


Well-Known Member
watering everyday since i read your post in kush's thread and omg my plants are exploding and growing like crazy, even in this 109 degree weather not even a hiccup. thanks for the Intel.
I've been spreading the word around.
Last year I definitely underwatered. Probably why my roots never mad it to the bottom of my rubbermaids

This is why I love growing . I'm constantly learning new things and outdoing my previous grow :D


Well-Known Member
Damn bro they look awesome, are you spraying with anything those leaves look super shiny
Thanks bud

Only foliar feedings in the a.m. 3 times a week other than that nope.

I've been meaning to pick up some BT and neem but I've been super busy.

I'll try and grab some this weekend


Well-Known Member
Hey Kush, your ladies are lookin pretty stellar. Wanted to share some inspiration I got from you and ABM, she has been in the ground for 4 weeks Secret Garden 4 016.jpg it's a clone that I experimented with trying to learn to clone. She is straight up sativa with an amazing lemon spice aroma.


Well-Known Member
Hey Kush, your ladies are lookin pretty stellar. Wanted to share some inspiration I got from you and ABM, she has been in the ground for 4 weeks View attachment 2255042 it's a clone that I experimented with trying to learn to clone. She is straight up sativa with an amazing lemon spice aroma.
Nice !!

So is this your first outdoor grow?
Shes camo'd really good with all the greenery around.

What nutes are you using ? Or plan on using ?


Well-Known Member
Found these seeds in a half of some dank ass Romulen ....

What would you guys do with them ?
Grow them out indoors with hopes of getting a male to do some pollen chucking this year ?

Interested in different opinions .....



Well-Known Member
It's planted right next to a flowing stream of water, I visit it about twice a week and have been feeding it with Open Sesame and have switched to Cha Ching. Left over Fox Farm nutes. It is the top of a plant I have in my flower tent. This is what it started out as Grow 3 007.jpg I planted it the saturday before Fathers Day.


Well-Known Member
Season is kinda short now to plant them outdoors isn't it? I'd go with half indoors in hopes of a male and save the pollen maybe do some crosses and use the rest next spring with the other half of the seeds.


Well-Known Member
Nice Kush.. My opinion is that harvest will be on you soon and you won't want to be messing with indoor (unless you already are) while you are cutting/drying/curing. I use my indoor space for all off that so it would get in the way for me space and time wise. Hold off till next season or wait till you start indoor that way you will be able to give them 100% of your attention. :leaf:

....and What that FUCK! I NEVER get seeds! Damnit!! I want some bagseed! LOL


Well-Known Member
Found these seeds in a half of some dank ass Romulen ....

What would you guys do with them ?
Grow them out indoors with hopes of getting a male to do some pollen chucking this year ?

Interested in different opinions .....

Thats exactly what I would do. I Would try to find a romulan mother to get some f785 seeds or whatever it would be. U know how there's Larry's og and the infinite variation. If you find a rediculous female pheno it would be XOJ's Romulan. 8)


Well-Known Member
Found these seeds in a half of some dank ass Romulen ....

What would you guys do with them ?
Grow them out indoors with hopes of getting a male to do some pollen chucking this year ?

Interested in different opinions .....

Ive got a legit ass cut of Romulan from someone who got it from wheezer.... we should let our kids fuck hahahah


Well-Known Member
I think ill wait to give them my full attention ..after harvest ill be upgrading my indoor setup to hps/MH so yeah its for the better.

Sprayed the girls with some Epson salts and molasses for cal & Mg the other day. Idk if its just me or not cause I wanna believe it helped ...but they look a lot more healthy overall imo ..

No signs of flowers yet *knocks on wood*

Sour Diesel

Larry OG Kush

Black Domina



Well-Known Member
I was so baked off some indoor Jedi I didn't even realize you were talking about doing it this season but you just may have plenty seeds to play with next season if you can harvest indoors by feb