big bud x white widow leafs to big


Active Member
"You can prune leaves where ever you want." Up to a point.

Fan leaves help the plant turn light into a form of energy the plant can use. The earlier in a grow the more
important the fan leaves are. You can trim a few with no problems, but, if you pass a critical point your leaves
will start to grow out white. Albino white. I had to throw out 4 plants worth of bud because I over-trimmed the
fan leaves and didn't know enough to recognize that white leaves are fatal.

Get in the habit of ignoring individual leaves. You can go crazy playing "what-if" with Mother Nature.

Good luck, BigSteve.
Your white leaves were due to major deficiencies and/or lockout. Nothing to do with how many leaves were removed form the plant. Stupidest thing I have heard in a while.

If the plant has leaves on it that are green, it will grow normally if all conditions are properly met. If not, you can roll the dice and take the crap shoot of what the end result might be!

I so wish people used the free common sense!(alot of people think they have to pay to use it or something) :wall:


any way guys thanks for everything. 1 other thing i would like to know. no 1 is wrong here as everyone has there Owen one Q what seed would you suggest for soil 2 x 600 watt hps my wall can be moved so room is no problem i i am looking to do around 20 plants( would 2 x hps lights( do that many )of the seeds you suggest i have heard so much light per sq meter of told by this way i am shit @ maths a lot will say that's a peace of piss and say what ever its only a easy thing to do everything is when you know how to do it..your advice will help i have 2 in mind but i would like what you don't forget i am still wet behind the ears 3rd grow but they where low riders small plant with not much return.i was also do you think its better to keep them all same plant or go say around 2 different kinds kinds what i was thinking northern lights or AK 47 please suggest thanks a lot for everything.happy smoking