Which is better hid or led?

I was thinking more like anything above 5000watts ... but hey if you ask this question in the led section you will get LED answers... I grow the best pot i have ever smoked, ... I dont understand how lot of people here cannot spend 2k on a decent setup yet claim to be growin so much weed with HIDs, ... where does all the money go, is 2000$ really all that much money for a grower?

Haha couldn't put it better self.
Actually yes I can :-o
Some one early said that you can look up any hid grow journal and "everyone" agrees that hid is the best no matter what your growing.
Well I'm not saying he's wrong, but obviously this dude is part of what I call the "obsolete" generation, it's a matter of time until all these dinosaur technology gets thrown away along with all these biased opinions about LEDs.
Just like this guy said, you can look up any grow journal with LEDS and you will find honest results by honest growers who are breaking HID records with LEDs. You can quote me on that:leaf:

Also would like to awnser the question above me.
200, 2000 of 100000 it doesn't matter, u get what you put in, obviously most people skimp out and get cheap results. I'd rather drop 2000 on a sick led set up then 200 (sounds like a 2x2 used Craigslist gear) on a obsolete hid set up. In a short run that 2000 is well worth it:leaf:
you said it, it just a matter of time. and its been a matter of time for a few years now. yes,leds have improved, but still very expensive. in a few more years they probably will be completely better than hid, but not now.
Why pay 2000 for a light that does the same as a 200 could do. Spend 2000 in a room with hid I don't think led can compare in any thing but low heAt..

for the heck of it bud, just for the heck of it!! It looks to me like you are tempted just because you hang out on the LED forum ,.. I can tell you one thing, if you were to buy small units to supplement your current setup you would not regret it, thats how I got into it myself
you said it, it just a matter of time. and its been a matter of time for a few years now. yes,leds have improved, but still very expensive. in a few more years they probably will be completely better than hid, but not now.

Not now? Ok let me correct myself. Take a look at honest led grow journals.. The future is now! It's happening right now in my own room:weed:
thats right superstoner, I gotta say for me growing as become a hobby big time, I enjoy messing around with my setup and spending money on it. Whatever I do that makes me feel like the quality of my shit is improving makes me feel like a million bucks.

he is right, they are not completely better yet, only partially, until the price go down a little, but if money isnt an option I would say that right now they are better for conventionnal growing , of course if you like contortionist you can do some crazy yield with HPS and vertical, ... takes a ton of dedication and time.
Enduroxx your grows speak for themselves. I'll pay a million bucks for your herb any day! I would say quality over quantity, but fuck that, LEDs herb is quality and has def reached quantity
I was thinking more like anything above 5000watts ... but hey if you ask this question in the led section you will get LED answers... I grow the best pot i have ever smoked, ... I dont understand how lot of people here cannot spend 2k on a decent setup yet claim to be growin so much weed with HIDs, ... where does all the money go, is 2000$ really all that much money for a grower?

I started with 2x400watts hps last year in September, if I wasnt smokin so much weed (thats why I grow...) and if I was to sell it instead, my whole new LED setup would be all paid for just from the previous grows and then some, all within a year and I didnt even know what I was doing.

so yeah if you are broke go with HIDs until you can afford the real deal
Lmao!!!!! That does not even deserve a comment but I'll comment anyway. So because I choose to use h.i.d. I am broke and I dont have a real deal light? Lmfao you my friend are delusional.
Haha couldn't put it better self.
Actually yes I can :-o
Some one early said that you can look up any hid grow journal and "everyone" agrees that hid is the best no matter what your growing.
Well I'm not saying he's wrong, but obviously this dude is part of what I call the "obsolete" generation, it's a matter of time until all these dinosaur technology gets thrown away along with all these biased opinions about LEDs.
Just like this guy said, you can look up any grow journal with LEDS and you will find honest results by honest growers who are breaking HID records with LEDs. You can quote me on that:leaf:

Also would like to awnser the question above me.
200, 2000 of 100000 it doesn't matter, u get what you put in, obviously most people skimp out and get cheap results. I'd rather drop 2000 on a sick led set up then 200 (sounds like a 2x2 used Craigslist said) on a obsolete hid set up. In a short run that 2000 is well worth it:leaf:
no actually you can get a 1000 watt light for 200 or a 600 watt light for 200 which can outdo a led for the same price. Shit which can out do a led that cost up to 1000.

Can u show me a thread where a led light can produce
A pound a month? A pound every 3 weeks or 2 weeks?
Can you show me a thread where there is a led light in a 8x8 area producing pounds?
Can you show me a led comparison to a 1000 watter or even a 600?
Ill wait right here until you can show me this to see what records LEDs are really beating??;)
you said it, it just a matter of time. and its been a matter of time for a few years now. yes,leds have improved, but still very expensive. in a few more years they probably will be completely better than hid, but not now.
Exactly Not right now? Maybe down the line in the future but as of right now you would be better off with a hid unless you are growing in a dresser or something small.
thx foreverflyhi, my results are no where near as good as they are going to get in the near future ,... I wasnt home for most of this grow, the canopy got out of control, and its far from being optimal!! luckily I rock my organic supersoil and giving them plain water the whole time was very easy for my woman to do!
for the heck of it bud, just for the heck of it!! It looks to me like you are tempted just because you hang out on the LED forum ,.. I can tell you one thing, if you were to buy small units to supplement your current setup you would not regret it, thats how I got into it myself
Yes I was tempted plenty of time but after being told that I would have to spend thousand of dollars to compare to 2x600 hps I said I'll wait until they improve or I want to do a small grow outside of the grow room
ok I agree my post was over the top, you dont have to be broke to be cheap

EDIT: sorry just doing shit talk here this morning! I like my toys! I got to get productive now, good day everyone!
Sounds good. Was this 1280 true watts? How was it grown?how much did it cost?

I don't know all the details but was true wattage, strain was sour diesel, and was spead out across 8 160w lights. I'm sure results aren't typical and dude had to have been a master grower to be teaching at oaksterdam. He's supposed to be writing on a book for successful led growing.
I don't know all the details but was true wattage, strain was sour diesel, and was spead out across 8 160w lights. I'm sure results aren't typical and dude had to have been a master grower to be teaching at oaksterdam. He's supposed to be writing on a book for successful led growing.

I met this guy, real humble man
I believe his name is Erik? Can't remember
First off I would like to say that I'm not going to fall for another HID led argument, because just like hid technology that shit gets old, but just for the sake of you thinking you got the last laugh I'll pull up one journal for you. And keep in mind just one journal, I'm sure u have google, u can research this on your own

do the math ere. 1,300 light to get 356 grams. Not a pound.
Now put a 1000 hps in that same tent. I guaranteed better results for what 1000 cheaper. That link did not prove anything either
I don't know all the details but was true wattage, strain was sour diesel, and was spead out across 8 160w lights. I'm sure results aren't typical and dude had to have been a master grower to be teaching at oaksterdam. He's supposed to be writing on a book for successful led growing.
That sounds good and like he definately knew what he was doing. I'm not trying to be mr bad guy or anything I think LEDs are cool like I stated previously I just think they are too expensive right now and for the price I would bid for now.
For generations indoor cultivators have relied on High Pressure Sodium (HPS) and Metal Halide (MH) grow lights to produce crops without sunlight, but there is a new technology entering mainstream that is breaking every record set by these technologies, and its name is LED.
For the past three years LED Grow Lights have beaten down every record established by HPS and MH grow lights, as documented in hundreds of online grow journals and many YouTube journals.
2011 Dutch Passion Seed Company announced: "The new world record for a single Auto Mazar has been broken, it now stands at a highly impressive 350 grams following a remarkable grow by Seymour Buds from the UK. This grow will make a lot of people realize how far LED light technology has come in the last couple of years. The 345 watt LED unit (from Hydro Grow) only draws 290W and the effect seems similar to 600W++ of HPS. I never knew LED’s were this effective"
In a recent article written by Dutch Passion Seed Company in the May 2012 Issue of Soft Secrets Magazine, the company talks in further detail about the amazing results achieved with LED Grow Lights by Hydro Grow, announcing another world record the lights had achievedWe were so impressed (with the Auto Mazar grow by Seymour Buds) we made him the first recipient of our new Think Different auto strain and he pulled a staggering 356 grams from a single AutoFem grown under a total of 600W of LED (two of the 300W panels) in just 75 days. Our interest, and that of many other observers, had been caught. We had never seen LED produce results anywhere near this good. LED has finally proven itself."Prior to grows performed with LED Grow Lights from Hydro Grow, the record yield for Autoflower strains from Dutch Passion was only 250 grams from a single plant grown under a HPS grow light. Hydro Grow's LED technology was now over-driving these plants, causing them to finish sooner, and yield 100 grams or more per plant compared to HPS. This is incredible news for the Medical Marijuana industry that has been waiting for a replacement for HPS due to inefficiencies like high power consumption, high heat output, and costly bulb replacements.

That sounds good and like he definately knew what he was doing. I'm not trying to be mr bad guy or anything I think LEDs are cool like I stated previously I just think they are too expensive right now and for the price I would bid for now.

Lots of people dropped there two cents in this thread, take it and invest in some quality LEDs so u can start breaking all those records that hps can do and see for yourself (even tho Led growers already have breakin all those records)
Would like to point out that this article seems to advertising hydro grow, so many would say that this is just another journal trying to advertise a product, and this is true, however saying all that, Seymour ( the grower who grew think diffrent) is a real honest grower that is all about the art of led growing, he just happens to be using hydro grow, it's his weapons of choice, all these led records can be broken from other LED companies or better yet DIY LEDs
I had been growing with Mh/hps for years with success. There was no immediate reason to change what I was doing. I like to try new things and push limits. So I figured why not learn something new.

Believe me led growing is new and exciting and challenging. Is it better than hid? Just like everything else in this hobbie, mileage WILL vary. Just like digital ballast quality varies, led units do too. You need a quality led unit. Buying one requires research...that scares people easily.

I have success with leds for veg and I use them with an hps for flower. I used to have two hps units in my flower tent. Now I only have one. I replaced my other 400w mh with 263 true watts of led split between two units. I can't see myself using hps/mh alone ever again. I can see myself going pure led though.

I relaize leds are pricey and that there are some shitty products out there. I also know that everyone has a different budget. My budget allows for em and I can grow good bud with em. Not everyone can afford that upfront cost. Some don't want to spend money on the upfront cost...fine. Some people dont want to push their boundries and expand horizions....fine.

Wanna know if 1000w (actual draw) is better than 1000w of hps For your grow? Do some research and buy quality units. Then you will know for yourself what growers like foreverflyhi, Enduro, myself and countless others in the led forum know. THEY WORK!!!

There is a reason we have a forum dedicated to the topic...there are countless threads in the forum documenting some quality cannabis grown strictly under led.