Inconsistent, still amazing, love.
[h=2]True confessions of a pic collector.[/h]
Date: 2006-03-08, 8:11PM EST
I like to cut out the pictures I receive in response to my fake ads and glue the faces to my GI Joe action figures. Then I enact epic battles between the Craigslist Cobra and the Craigslist Joe. Usually I hyphenate the action figure name with the real name of whoever sent the picture. Sometimes, if they don't sign a real name, I just use their email handle. For instance, in my last battle, which took place on my kitchen counter, Larry-Snake Eyes and EastSideSanchez06-Grand Slam captured Michael-Big Boa after he got his foot caught in my dish drying rack. Michael-Big Boa was really scared because, as you know, Larry-Snake Eyes doesn't talk. He just fondles his big black pistol and stares. It's really creepy. And Michael-Grand Slam has all the padding in his red pants, which is really intimidating.
So anyway, Larry-Snake Eyes pistol whips Michael-Big Boa and bends his limp figure over a wine cork and ties his hands and feet together with dental floss. Then EastSideSanchez06-Grand Slam fills a plastic bottle cap with water and positions it on the counter in front of Michael-Big Boa's head. Larry-Snake Eyes grabs Michael-Big Boa's feet and rocks him forward, submerging his head underwater. Michael-Big Boa jerks his head around, desperate for air. Larry-Snake Eyes lets his feet fall back to the ground, lurching Michael-Big Boa's head out of the water.
Grabbing his captives hair and jerking his head back, EastSideSanchez06-Grand Slam moves his lips a mere centimeter from Michael-Big Boa�s ear and shouts, �what were you doing in the restricted area? Are you a spy? Do you know what we do to spies?�
Michael-Big Boa knows what Craigslist Joe does to spies. But he doesn�t answer. Instead he jerks his head away from his captor and plunges it back into the water in hopes of drowning himself. Larry-Snake Eyes kicks the bottle cap out from under his head and sends it spilling across the counter. EastSideSanchez06-Grand Slam walks over to his parked jeep and returns with a big orange plastic missile that�s about the size of a GI Joe baseball bat.
�Hey Larry-Snake Eyes. Bring that butter dish over here. This thing isn�t going anywhere without a little lubrication.�
Anyway, I�ll spare you the rest of the scenario. Things got a little out of hand after the Joes called for backup and Doug-Gung Ho and FabAbs998-Sgt. Bazooka showed up in the FANG (Fully Armed Negator Gyrocopter). But now you know what pic collectors do with your pics. And knowing is half the battle.