For all the GH users.


Well-Known Member
I use them and they are very reliable. I got some great samples from them.(i paid shipping) I'm amazed by the variety available now. My buddy had a grow 30 yrs ago and all we had was rabbit poop and generic soil.


Active Member
Im using GH FloraSeries, Grow, Micro, and Bloom. Im using it for soil as well as hydroponically(drip) system. So far the GH has been working great for my soil ladies. But as for the hydro setup I've already had 4 different signs of nutrient deficiency such as Mag, Cal, Boron(twisting leaves) etc. I also had a problem at the beginning with over fertilization even though i was only feeding 1/3 of what the GH feeding chart said. So from where i am right now i cant really give GH products a good rating on yield and product quality, im still in veg. Soil have had no problems and plants are looking beautiful and healthy.


Well-Known Member has better prices on all that stuff than I saw in 30 seconds on the OP's link. Why should I spend my money with another shop than plantlightinghydroponics?

Moon Dog

Im using GH FloraSeries, Grow, Micro, and Bloom. Im using it for soil as well as hydroponically(drip) system. So far the GH has been working great for my soil ladies. But as for the hydro setup I've already had 4 different signs of nutrient deficiency such as Mag, Cal, Boron(twisting leaves) etc. I also had a problem at the beginning with over fertilization even though i was only feeding 1/3 of what the GH feeding chart said. So from where i am right now i cant really give GH products a good rating on yield and product quality, im still in veg. Soil have had no problems and plants are looking beautiful and healthy.
Don't know your experience level in hydro but Flora series is very basic and not as complete a nutrition as some others. ( one reason why I don;t use). Floranova is very good and has a ton of micronutrients in it. Pick up a bottle next time you are in your local shop. It weighs a ton! Do you run any of the additives? I know guys that get good results running the black diamond , floralicious bloom boost and the GH humic product ( don't remember what it's called) What kind of water are you using? Where is your PH? What kind of ppm are you at if you are getting "Signs of over fertilization?" GH isn't Ph buffered if I recall. Ph will drift over a couple of days. Lots of things can go wrong in hydro that look like something else at first. I would check out some of the hydro threads on rollitup for ideas.


New Member has better prices on all that stuff than I saw in 30 seconds on the OP's link. Why should I spend my money with another shop than plantlightinghydroponics?
This place is where I bought some humboldt base nutes and the bloom gallon was opened (missing the cardboard seal) It did ppm out correctly though and worked. Good value, cheapest place I could find.
Im using GH FloraSeries, Grow, Micro, and Bloom. Im using it for soil as well as hydroponically(drip) system. So far the GH has been working great for my soil ladies. But as for the hydro setup I've already had 4 different signs of nutrient deficiency such as Mag, Cal, Boron(twisting leaves) etc. I also had a problem at the beginning with over fertilization even though i was only feeding 1/3 of what the GH feeding chart said. So from where i am right now i cant really give GH products a good rating on yield and product quality, im still in veg. Soil have had no problems and plants are looking beautiful and healthy.
hey graab, what soil did u use on ur ladies? i have GH nutrients and am planning a soil grow real soon was just wondering what you used. I plan on getting some clones from the club.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
if you go with promix you're going to need some lime to go with it, gh + promix== acidic soil. if anything try sunshine mix #4, i've been told it's better to use in conjunction with gh products.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Don't know your experience level in hydro but Flora series is very basic and not as complete a nutrition as some others. ( one reason why I don;t use). Floranova is very good and has a ton of micronutrients in it. Pick up a bottle next time you are in your local shop. It weighs a ton! Do you run any of the additives? I know guys that get good results running the black diamond , floralicious bloom boost and the GH humic product ( don't remember what it's called) What kind of water are you using? Where is your PH? What kind of ppm are you at if you are getting "Signs of over fertilization?" GH isn't Ph buffered if I recall. Ph will drift over a couple of days. Lots of things can go wrong in hydro that look like something else at first. I would check out some of the hydro threads on rollitup for ideas.
Sorry MD but the GH Flora Series is complete plant nutrition.There is also Micro Hardwater for hardwater tap.The feed schedule can be adjusted for P/K up bloom boosters if wanted.I have seen lots (including my own) of Flora Series only (no boosters) grows to know it is complete.You should see the minus the distilled water GH Maxi powder grows on the web.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
that's crazy because i am having deficiencies (cal/mag) on top of my local hydro rep telling me it's not as complete as most think.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
that's crazy because i am having deficiencies (cal/mag) on top of my local hydro rep telling me it's not as complete as most think.
What lighting are you using,and at what is your nute dosage?Do you keep up on ph,and allowing a little swing?
Is your rep pushing more profitable products?

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
light t5
monitor ph and ppms every watering and ph is goes between 6.0-6.2
tap water ph 6.6 and 70ppms before any nutes are added- useless formula

and as for rep pushing anything on me, it's the total opposite, he actually saves me a lot of money.

trust me i've googled gh 3part and i was surprise to find out that it wasn't as complete as i was told. some find themself using epsom salt, or a cal/mag sup in conjunction with the 3part, which i am finding myself doing atm moment. when i asked him why am i needing to use a cal/mag sup he said because of my source of water.
he said when they made the formula that more than likely the formula was based on their water source, which isn't as good as the one in our state, and their formulas was constructed assuming that most would have the same type of water they're accustom to.
if you think about it the cleaner your water, r/o and distilled water, gh recommends that you use a cal/mag supplement so that tells you alone that they're not as complete as you assume.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Your tap is low and near R.O./distilled ppm's but that should be no problem.You did not mention the dosage you are using.
At 400 watts or lower lighting you should be no more than 50% strength of 3 parts label recommendations.With a starting ph 6 (for hydro) it is good to let swing .5 up or down before correcting.

I have had no problems with GH Flora series 3 part,Flora Lucas,and now Maxi Lucas.
I highly recommend reading this page.
I have read many journals,reports,and thru my own grows to know that Flora is complete.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
damn ur right, i did leave some details out. i use promix as a medium, 8bulb T5 fixture and i use useless formula full veg 12ml (g), 6ml (m), and 3ml (b) diluted down to 700ppms.


Active Member
last grow, i swithed from foxfarm, to cannas terra vega for veg, and gh flora nova for bloom. it did well. no diffeerent than my fox farm regime. but, i am going back to the prior, for my veg now. and this time, i bought a bottle of gh coolbloom. a booster. we will see what happens. i was going to try advanced nutes. but they have so many products, why whould anyone want to spend the time, money, and hassel to use all these things?

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
damn ur right, i did leave some details out. i use promix as a medium, 8bulb T5 fixture and i use useless formula full veg 12ml (g), 6ml (m), and 3ml (b) diluted down to 700ppms.
Ok I assumed you were in hydro.Pro mix???is it straight potting soil or is it amended organic?No matter....I highly recommend from the previous link the Lucas low light ratio,and do not dilute it except for seedlings.
Low light ratio, and flowering vs veg

Lucas Formula should be used in the same ratio throughout the grow. There is a misconception that one should use 5ml of Micro and 10ml of Bloom, when in veg, and switch to 8ml of Micro, and 16ml of Bloom, when flowering.
This was never stated by Lucas himself. He originally stated that the 0-5-10 ratio was for LOW LIGHT situations (fluorescent lighting like PL/L and CFLs, or HID lamps less than 400W), whereas 0-8-16 is for medium to high light (400W+)

Remember to shake bottles with Micro shaken up more.I assume that you thoroughly MIX your Micro first as not to render trace minerals useless thru moleculer binding,and then add other parts.Ph like you were for soil.

I assume you have proper drainage and let soil go from moist to lightly moist between water/feedings with plain water ph corrected too.

The Flora series is raw minerals broken down to soluble form in distilled water.These nutrient salts build up in medium and require a ph flush now and then.I do not do soil so I cannot comment but I know with the low light ratio,the build up is less(hence less strength).

p.s. I still have my original Flora grow bottle laying around.I should just water my outdoor shrubs with it?