Human Blood


Well-Known Member
2 the OP if u do use human blood whatever u do don't take it from ur freshly cut wrists. And don't cut ur wrists up and down cause then u'll die and RIU will be out an awesome grower.


Well-Known Member
aww yeh baby........ get that main cola up my kyber awwwww yeeeehhhhhh..................sqwirt

u need to find that sket who stole that soft plonkers plants,,, cut the skets hed of and use her claret for the test!

then at least ul have her bones if u need uprite support :)


New Member
aww yeh baby........ get that main cola up my kyber awwwww yeeeehhhhhh..................sqwirt

u need to find that sket who stole that soft plonkers plants,,, cut the skets hed of and use her claret for the test!

then at least ul have her bones if u need uprite support :)
ok i think i got it
1 claret is blood
2hed is head
3plonker is not good
4 sket isnt either


Well-Known Member
I foiler feed my babbies with the blood and brain spatter like all the time homie.
That shit is bomb yo!


Well-Known Member
Sure... that's what I used on my last grow.
Just don't know what to do with the rest of the body parts.
Could make bone meal I guess.


Well-Known Member
I'm glab ur here f.a.b, it makes me post sumptin I would otherwise probably think twice on posting and end up erasing, lolz.


just asking folks, i have almost regular nosebleeds from inhaling smoke through the nose, thought i could use the blood instead of wasting it because they have blood meal and such


Active Member
Its not so ridiculous, have you ever eaten roadkill? Got a book with some survival recipes and tried one out - was absolutely delicious. Still don't know what to do with their bike...