Well-Known Member
No man,all this can happen right now. DEA, IRS, hell the EPA or health dept can cripple a person or business. any arm of the police can seize your accounts and do everything you just described. dont you watch law and order. lol
as far as the o mighty $. hell the vid someone suggested, confirmed that the U.S. $ is nothing more than a piece of paper and been that way your centuries.
so again i tell you IMHO all that you are fearing is already in place been in place before you ever even new the tin foil hat would protect you. (just a little humor not trying to offend)![]()
so the fact that this technology that already exist, and been in use for a long time. what is it going to hurt to use it to keep track of the predators, criminals, and govern over our police. and have my damn coffee ready when i get out of the shower. lol
you keep saying it will do this and this. all that has already happened and is happening everyday. its a mute point.
take the internet for example. before joe pud whacker new about the porn that was available on the net. it had been around for a long time. my understanding of it. is that it started as a military communication operation, to advert communication break down over short wave radios. (unless you listen to al gore) now look i get my porn in 2.2 seconds with 1,233,434,544 sites to chose from. isn't technology great. learn it, love it, use it for personal gain. its the American way. and relax unless you out to destroy us all or block the access to the real currency of the U.S. oil, they are not going to bother with average joe.
if the government came after me today, tracked all my purchases via creditcard, and all the bad stuff you said, I could simply drop off the radar. I would use cash only, I would assume an alias and there'd be nothing they could do. With the Vchip, your boned.
Ridicule all you want with the "tin foil hat", I am not a conspiracy theorist, just a realist. Technology is headed that way and its gonna happen, I'm just trying to delay it as long as I can.