Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

MOMMA!!Just like any man a "tease" was a thing of joy kept your heart pumping and my wife used to tell me "don't care what got you excited your just with me!" and so many pretty ladie's...made it a pleasure to go out! I lived at the beach and from the age of 12 sat in front of the house and talked to all the pretty skirt's that walked by! More than once wanted to thank some beauty just for the smile or the flash...allway's appreciated their beauty and gut's!!(still do!) not in the same way..but when my wife was still verbal I would tell her what I thought, she knew even after over 35 years of marriage I was still in love with her and had never been with another womam and was very happy with her! Any woman who has purposly given a man a glimpse, sexy smile or flash...should know they are the excitement all of us male's look for!! I thank you all! When we married in 1975 my sweety told me she wasn't the jellous type and if looking pleased me well do as you please just come home to me! what a sweetheart!!
That's what I've always told my husband, "I don't care where you get your appetite as long as you come home for dinner!" As far as it went for me, I could always tell how good I looked from the number of faces being slapped when I walked into a room.
Not to get off subject but did anyone ever try mescaline in the 70s?My girl friend an myself did some an got on a roller coaster one time .Never did try that again.The roller coaster that is.
Cindy>>My wife would have smiled at you cindy as she would know I was watching..I allway's smiled as a gesture of appreciation...Nothing like a good looking woman to "MAKE YOUR DAY!!" and forget about trouble's!! Sweet innocent fun!! I allway's had a dog and beauties allway's stood in front of you and leaned down to pet and gave you a glimpse of their beauty and allway's knew they had you looking!! I was allway's a gentleman and had many opportunities but allway's just enjoyed the view! What a beautiful world I still see so many lovely's.. now not looking at the younger girl's but still enjoying the more refined ladie's of my age group...was flashed on a trip last year by a 20 something and felt verry uncomfortable!!jack.
My husband was accosted by a beautiful young woman in Costa Rica last winter. It made him feel good and sure as hell didn't bother me. I feel sorry for women who are insecure about their men. If they have a reason to be they should move on, and if they don't they are making themselves miserable for nothing. I enjoy looking at beautiful people myself, men and women, and no I am not gay or bi or anything weird. It is just pleasant to see an attractive person.
Yes Me too beauty is to behold and enjoy I find beauty in all sizes and shape's, not all beauty is seen with the eye's... other trait's I cherrish are honesty good coversation and most of all a sence of humor! If you look all people have beauty as we all enjoy different thing's, and this is what make's us all the same! jack
Yes, I agree. The sexiest man I ever knew was not handsome in a conventional way, but when he walked into a room all the women were drawn to him. My mother in law was never a great beauty in the physical sense, but she is one of the most beautiful people I know. She loves with all her heart and is very slow to judge. My daughter's boyfriend isn't all that good looking, but he makes everyone laugh and is comfortable in his own skin. There are many kinds of beauty, not just the physical. Some people hold you at arms length; but the ones that draw you in close are the ones that make you feel special. Jack, you are one of those!
Thank You you are sweet as allway's! Andverry enjoyable to converse with ...wish we lived closer we would have a party for saturday's harvest!! I enjoy meeting face to face and you are one I would enjoy getting to know! See pic this is what I built for my sweety to enjoy the bird's!! Now getting used it's been up about 3 day's...on her private Island as she call's it!!bird's 007.jpgbird's 011.jpg
I was away from this thread for a day and it's flooded! Lots of good memories. I wasn't much of a disco fan, but who would agree that the 60s and 80s produced way more and way better music than has been since? I dont think it is just a subjective view because I was there, i think it was a very artistic period in general. Now I have turned into a Parrot Head.
just seen the other day on TV that the Stones are into their 70's if they're still alive i know I'll make it. and what about streaking
I remember Further and the acid tests, but i was a little too young. i remember my parents discussing concerns about what the world was coming to while we were sitting around the dinner table, lol. My father would go on about all those wild bands ... Like the beatles. Lol. Maybe i should practice up on being a Dead Head now that you mention it. I can be a Parrot Head and a Dead Head at the same time, right?
Shadow why not?? the scene's a little different but both rock...I saw jerry in 1969 but barely remember it ...there was a love-in in goldengate park!! and everybody was trippin on orange double dum's!!(OSLEY'S acid factory s.f)...jack The old band member's all have their own band's now but are so old it's tough traveling so they built terripin station near home to play!! Rat dog Phil and friend's Bobby, Robert hunter........still trippin jack
Shadow why not?? the scene's a little different but both rock...I saw jerry in 1969 but barely remember it ...there was a love-in in goldengate park!! and everybody was trippin on orange double dum's!!(OSLEY'S acid factory s.f)...jack The old band member's all have their own band's now but are so old it's tough traveling so they built terripin station near home to play!! Rat dog Phil and friend's Bobby, Robert hunter........still trippin jack

Now that's some pretty historic stuff you got to participate in! Was LSD even illegal back then, or were people handing out for free in the streets? That is it, i am going to listen to the Dead today. No more streaking for me, i have grown polite with age, but I am convinced i need to take a trip back using music.
Everything was "FREE" then sex drug's just sit down and say hay what's up? And youu'd be offered a joint...see pretty girl same line worked every time (wasn't married then!) sex outdoor's was rampant and no one cared! girl's often asked if you were interested and I was...that's how I met my wife!!Made love in a park on the hill and talked all night...she never wen't home and I was thrilled! Thing's were different girl's wern't looked at the same durring the sexual revolution they had the same right's as men!!You would never say a guy was promisicuis(SP) and it was a girl's right of passage as well as a man's!! We all live together at least a few year's before marriage...we saw marriage's taken verry lightly...not what we wanted!