whats your favorite RC?


lately ive been interested in trying some new rcs,ive tried 2ce 2ci 2cp and methylone(BK-MDMA),i gotta say out of those 2cp had to be my favorite. what is your favorite rc that youve done and explain what the trip is like. and if any1 knows of any good legit vendors feel free 2 message me :-P


Well-Known Member
Hmm, out of all the 2c's I've ever tried, 2ct7 definitely gave me the best trip.

I snorted some of that shit, and then i got lost in my shower for about 45 minutes. It was awesome.


Well-Known Member
2C-B is awesome. One of the best drugs going. Too bad it's been scheduled forever. AET is pretty cool too. The MDMA of tryptamines.


Hmm, out of all the 2c's I've ever tried, 2ct7 definitely gave me the best trip.

I snorted some of that shit, and then i got lost in my shower for about 45 minutes. It was awesome.
never heard of 2ct7 i might have to try it out tho. is it a real visual trip like other 2c's?


Well-Known Member
The one that is actually what it is. I hate RC doses by mistake! I've only tried the ones that fit on paper, DO? and DO?, I've had a few non LSD experiences with these. Now that a lot of the 2-C's have been around for a while shouldn't they eventually drop the RC label as they have been researched? All substances had a untested period.


Well-Known Member
I really really likes this stuff I got once called 25c nBOME. It had very tiny if even noticeable body load. You have to experiment though, I bought 20mg Hcl powder and it was 60 dollars. The doses are at about 500mics-1mg. I dosed one day and it was pretty cool, it wasnt enough though. I noticed the visuals were just like beautiful, like a perplexed tool music video.

Then one time I took soooo much.. Just soo much. It was the next day after the initial trip. I got off work at around 3, stuck my tongue straight into that bag(I spilled it like 80 times, I have no idea what my dosage was but Id say it was at least 3mg.. Maybe a little more maybe a little less) and that was the most awesome psychedelic experience ever! I had to seperate myself from my group of friends like 7 or 8 times to go cry.

Ive tried all the phenthylamines pretty much and definitely 25c nBOME was my favorite. 2c p and e were really cool also.

MXE is really cool too if you ever get a chance. Its a dissociative though.


Active Member
2cb, just had it for the first time at bisco. 20mg was a bit much i think i'll stick to 15mg orally, or 10 via insufflation.


Well-Known Member
The one that is actually what it is. I hate RC doses by mistake! I've only tried the ones that fit on paper, DO? and DO?, I've had a few non LSD experiences with these. Now that a lot of the 2-C's have been around for a while shouldn't they eventually drop the RC label as they have been researched? All substances had a untested period.
If they do real toxicity studies. Just because a bunch of people have taken a drug doesn't mean we really know anything about it other than that it is psychoactive.