Safe way to remove moles????


Active Member
Haha yeah it was funny as hell when it happened I told my bosses and they were all laphin at me cuz they could see me doin that when I'm baked lol bu I also or some critter Ritter from home depot ...... Smell like consent rated black pepper I used it and haven't had a problem scence with anything buni also go chicken wire up around my whole site lol but for 10 bucks it's deffently worth a try


Well-Known Member
I didn't have a problem with gophers but when I was younger I had a watermelon patch with my pop's and I would go out there and we had these chinese doves that would come and screw with the plants so I would shoot em with my air riffle one time I winged one as it was flying off and it flew another 50ft or so and died on my neighbor's driveway, dropped out of the sky as he was driving up to his house. I thought he was gonna get pissed and tell my pop's but he just asked to use my shovel to get rid of it. and ya know if u just get an air riffle that i can pump up or put a co2 bottle in and u'll fuck a gopher up, don't need to get a 12 gauge, unless u already have one that is.

That turtle guy is just like these oklahoma noodler dudes that reach their freakin arm into these big ass holes as bait so a giant catfish bites their hand and they freakin pull that mofo out by his lower lip!!!


Well-Known Member
turtle guy would be out of his environment ..........[video=youtube;Gf3QIkQRGtI][/video]


Active Member
i use the traps. its a fast kill. i use two, one in each hole. spread em apart. they travel. i put bugbegone on my lawn. as no bugs=no food for moles, they leave. and no bugs to invade my grow, either. if they aint in your yard, how can they come in? also, i use pellets that are made from worms, and rat poison. when they get ill, they crawl out of the ground. and my pom grabe em up and brings em to me! lol.


Active Member
my neighborm runs garden hose from exhasut on her car, to a hole. let it run for a while. its called carbon monoxide poisening. keep yours eyes open! her critter came out of a hole, where she bopped it with her shovel! case closed. and dont give me any of that peta/tree hugger shit. my land MY LAWS!!.


Well-Known Member
i used to remove moles professionally ...$25 a mole.

they have mole traps you install at their opens/exits sells um

but we prefer the pickaxe....mornings they will usually be pushing the dirt up at a exit or entrance when you see the dirt being pushed swing the axe up they come somtimes alive sometimes in half



Active Member
my neighborm runs garden hose from exhasut on her car, to a hole. let it run for a while. its called carbon monoxide poisening. keep yours eyes open! her critter came out of a hole, where she bopped it with her shovel! case closed. and dont give me any of that peta/tree hugger shit. my land MY LAWS!!.
Haha I like this I follow the same philosophy Idc what u do a long as its on ur property an ur not pissin anyone off lol and damn y didn't I think about being my jack russel terroir put their and let him go to town on them lol


Well-Known Member
LOL The RIU people are awesome, this thread is all about deciding what gun would be the most aprroritate for a murder of a mole. :D


Well-Known Member
LOL The RIU people are awesome, this thread is all about deciding what gun would be the most aprroritate for a murder of a mole. :D
And apperantly the decision was 12 gauge with hollow point? I'm sorry that the only thing I took away from this whole thread. A 12 GAUGE SHOTGUN CANNOT HOLD HOLLOW POINT ROUNDS! That guys a fucking idiot lol! Must be a teenager with a big imagination.


Well-Known Member
And apperantly the decision was 12 gauge with hollow point? I'm sorry that the only thing I took away from this whole thread. A 12 GAUGE SHOTGUN CANNOT HOLD HOLLOW POINT ROUNDS! That guys a fucking idiot lol! Must be a teenager with a big imagination.
Techinically it is possible.. Lol. I suggested to the OP that a .22LR should do the trick.. but its not necessary. Moles wont harm the crop.


Active Member
Or pellet gun lol gotta hit em in the head tho and I have both kind of slugs 1.5 ounce regulars lugs and 1 once hollow points in my drawer lol


Well-Known Member
Mole-traps. Like mouse traps but underground. Trouble is, you NEED to know what you are doing. Moles sense differences in soil compaction and have a very good sense of smell. You have to bury gloves for a week before setting and compact the soil as close as you can to the surrounding area.


Ursus marijanus
Since the OP had let us know that the real problem is gophers (ground squirrels), this stuff is the ... stuff. cn



Well-Known Member
And apperantly the decision was 12 gauge with hollow point? I'm sorry that the only thing I took away from this whole thread. A 12 GAUGE SHOTGUN CANNOT HOLD HOLLOW POINT ROUNDS! That guys a fucking idiot lol! Must be a teenager with a big imagination.
Actually you can buy slugs for 12g shotguns, and they can be hollow points