The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
Thanks compradres. @mojo 1000w sunmaster hps bulb/cool tube
looks like yours came out prettier than mine.....mine was Headband heavy all the way around....much better than the pic there shows, you know my pics suck for the most part. I had 3 females, but 2 of em' hermied out in week 4. This one didn't have a single one.


Well-Known Member
My problem with tsd is their packaging. It isn't very discreet imo and who ever wraps their shit in tape does it like a 5 year old kid's art project. I also got an odd feeling when JB posted a message and said he found 9 packs of Arctic Fallout in his seed fridge. But when you checked their stock inventory it said they have 11. I asked him where the difference in numbers came from and he couldn't answer. Too sketchy for my tastes.

I got a good laugh when I noticed that Chili's is advertising on RIU, saying ''It's better than Chinese." Whoever does their marketing probably thought they struck gold finding a site full of stoners with a bad case of the munchies.


Well-Known Member
anyone know if there is a reputable spot that has gsbx2 in stock? attitude played me at four in the morning when i woke up to them not having them and going back to sleep at 4:05 only to wake at 6 and see them but when i put my order in the checkout and tried to pay they said they were all out! FML


New Member
id like to pay for a banner ad that notes "these ads all suck".

dungeon & dragon sword shop
nasty chilli's
kraft foods & el sabor latino!
the download & play crap

few tampon ads , little DEA banner , & we'll be set.

Twisted Pleasure BX

Active Member
Chosen DJ has just contacted me and said he has shipped my gear and he will send me tracking # tonight or in am. Fingers crossed.

That's sucks KaB been there bro. I got back up capacitor, compressor , and fan moter just in case. And have heat temp controllers set for 95 so if that bitch goes out no damage. Learned that shit the hard way for sure.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
What kinda issues?
They sent me the wrong pack of seed twice in a row. I ordered Giesel, they sent me Socal Dawg. Emailed jb, he said he'd take care of it, got my shit today and it was another pack of socal dawg. So I emailed jb again and he responded and said he was really sorry, and that he would have to see whats up with his employees. So he's taking care of it, a good dude that JB is.. But I think he needs to apply few headlocks and sleeper holds over there. :)


Well-Known Member
They sent me the wrong pack of seed twice in a row. I ordered Giesel, they sent me Socal Dawg. Emailed jb, he said he'd take care of it, got my shit today and it was another pack of socal dawg. So I emailed jb again and he responded and said he was really sorry, and that he would have to see whats up with his employees. So he's taking care of it, a good dude that JB is.. But I think he needs to apply few headlocks and sleeper holds over there. :)
You obviously get to keep the beans yeh? If so i wouldnt be complaining 3 packs for the price one yewww!

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
That's you. What the fuck you want me to do, put a craigslist ad up for them? Come on now.
And actually the only complaining I did was here out of frustration that I still don't have what I ordered. I simply informed JB of the mix up and he offered to replace them. I didn't ask not once.


New Member
I'm not sure what happened with this order, but Captn. will get the Giesel re-shipped to him on Monday morning with a tracking number.

In the mean time, some of those SoCal Dawg beans could make a very nice gift for a fellow grower in need :)

- J.B

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
Anyone live by Saginaw MI want some beans? Free Socal Dawg (chem d) regs. Get em while they're hot.
You could even have a bean feast.
