HTG AGROMAX DIGIPULSE Bulbs +rep finders fee


New Member
Does anybody know who actually makes these bulbs? Are they made by a major manufacturer and relabeled AGROMAX DigiPulse?

Is any other company besides High Tech garden supply selling them? They are fine bulbs but I'd like to get more literature/specs on them.

The AGROMAX folks also makes the tents for HTG.


Well-Known Member
Ive tried looking into htg products like stump tea which is only sold and credited by htg anywhere. Kinda thinking maybe htg is helping produce some of the products or just taking credit for them. Lots of products are like that from htg.


Well-Known Member
Yeah they manufacture a lot of their own products. They make their own ballasts and hoods so I don't see why they wouldn't make lamps for them.


New Member
I can see them having house brand nutes and such, but bulbs are some manufacturing intense shit. it must be relabeled from somebody.


Well-Known Member
Well htg sells them but never have them tested in a lab. I emailed them and requested an spd. no spd....

Their agromax led lights are made by Cidly in china. They just rebrand them too. Im sure its some other manufacter in china that makes the bulbs.


Well-Known Member
I buy all my bulbs from Why?

Because all bulbs are the same. Hortilux are a ripoff.
Thats not true. Alot of bulbs are made with different glass than others and spectrums vary in each. Hid bulbs do have horrible spectrums though. I would only use digilux or hortilux blue mh or cmh for flower. Those bulbs have the best spectrums.


Well-Known Member
I have a Digilux on one side of my 4.5 x 8 tent, a HTG bulb on the other. The HTG side is a little more "stretchy". Hard to estimate any difference in yield as yet (5 weeks into flower). Growing in a SCROG, so guess at "stretchyness" may not be accurate. Digilux-$90, HTG-$47 off Ebay