romney committed a federal felony?


Active Member
They Died
Try reading John Steinbecks
"the Grapes of Wrath"
My mother's family were part of that OK - CA migration. They worked and ate. Even with food stamp programs, people starve. Regardless it's not the job of the federal government and it creates dependency which is still true just like when I posted it the first time. :D


Well-Known Member
My mother's family were part of that OK - CA migration. They worked and ate. Even with food stamp programs, people starve. Regardless it's not the job of the federal government and it creates dependency which is still true just like when I posted it the first time. :D
not everyone got the chance to work and eat
Some just laid down and died
How can we be the greatest country in the world
When we cannot take care of the least among us?

Maybe you should move to ethiopia, you are a winner allright


New Member
alright kids settle down...

romney lied to reporters... simple. he was the leader at bain capital since he founded it. he wanted to distance himself from it because of videos like the one i posted on page 5. bain capital purposefully sought out companies in good financial standing, acquired them, loaded them with debt, transfered the cash to bain, and then steered the companies into bankruptcy, and thousands of people lost their jobs because of this...

it's called a leveraged buyout. it was a part of his company's long time strategy.... it's coming to light and he wants to distance himself...

and republicans want this scumbag liar to be the next president...
What proof do you have that Romney lied to anyone, here I'll save ya some time, none!
Your interpretation of Bain Capital's leveraged buyouts is ridiculous, as a rule, the target companies were operating in the red and were far from being in good financial standing.


Well-Known Member
What proof do you have that Romney lied to anyone, here I'll save ya some time, none!
Your interpretation of Bain Capital's leveraged buyouts is ridiculous, as a rule, the target companies were operating in the red and were far from being in good financial standing.
Has bain done levereaged buyouts?
Who started Bain?
Who was listed as CEO until 2001?


Well-Known Member
Has bain done levereaged buyouts?
Who started Bain?
Who was listed as CEO until 2001?
his occupation was even listed as "managing director".

but of course he wasn't responsible for any of the vulture capitalism that they managed to direct.

that, and trickle down economics works as described, wealth trickles down.


Well-Known Member
his occupation was even listed as "managing director".

but of course he wasn't responsible for any of the vulture capitalism that they managed to direct.

that, and trickle down economics works as described, wealth trickles down.
I think he is going for the Ron Paul
"I didnt write those racist newsletters"


Active Member
not everyone got the chance to work and eat
Some just laid down and died
How can we be the greatest country in the world
When we cannot take care of the least among us?

Maybe you should move to ethiopia, you are a winner allright
I'm not saying Americans shouldn't help Americans, of course we should and do, I'm saying that it's not the job of the federal government. I know you don't get it because you think the government is there to give away free stuff.

You can deny it all you want but government handouts create dependency on government, it sounds good to the ignorant and needy but it hurts long run. Charity and personal responsibility is a far better solution. Try it sometime. :D


Well-Known Member
"Ron Paul 2008 Campaign Chairman Kent Snyder has died from complications related to pneumonia."

What's that got to do with food stamps or imagined felonies?
he relied on charities and personal responsibility, just like you espouse.

how much of that $400k tab for his health care got paid that way, sistah? :lol:



Well-Known Member
For the life of me I can't understand why the Republican party put this man up as the nominee. Man is a plague of problems for them.
Cause the puppet Obama needs a new VP if/when he gets re-elected and thats where Romney comes in.


Active Member
so the part where it says he was 100% owner until 2002 proves us wrong how, exactly?

that stellar GOP reading comprehension. :clap:
Owning doesn't mean he was managing the company. Keep reading, moron...

4 Pinnchios from the liberal WAPO, still in denial? Of course you are because the truth means nothing to libtard losers... :D


Active Member
he relied on charities and personal responsibility, just like you espouse.

how much of that $400k tab for his health care got paid that way, sistah? :lol:

I have no idea how much charity he got, I never heard of any charities for him (not my fault) and if he had personal responsibility he would have had insurance. Frankly, Since I'm not aRon 'the bigot" Paul fan I never heard of the guy until you mentioned his name. I do know that insurance or not he could have walked into any ER and been treated. Either way, it wasn't the federal government's job to take care of him and without government interference he may have had better care.