Club 600


Well-Known Member
Was doing the in out in out shake it all about today, first they where in, then they where out, then they where in....ffs.

Hiding away like Anne Frank until the neighbour comes round and fuks off again, lol.

should be fun fitting that lot into my cab^^^

the outdoor lot, they are just staying there, not much I can do about these beasties.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
dam D,your plants are gettin bigger,still stayin vert right?
anyway they look lush as hell.them outdoor plants are something nice,wish i had a spot like that.


Well-Known Member
staying vertical lad. Got plans for these though, lots of training and tying up to be done, should be okay (I think, haha). I got the vertical scrogking visiting me so I am sure he'll pass on some tips:) The big 600 in the sky has been good to them.


Well-Known Member
Hey people so in my anger of riu being down again yesterday I went and created a Facebook account strictly for this private side of my life. The more I thought about it the better it seemed. You can create a journal and keep all your photos and information there. Plus the pics are like 3 times bigger if you upload a high quality pic. Plus you can look through a persons old grows much easier, and the site doesn't go down all the time!

Ive also created a marijuana cultivation page over there, I'm not sure how that will go yet but for now I'm just trying to get my past journals uploaded.

So go by and check me out!
make your own "secret" account too and lets start building a network over there!
So please take a peek and add me as a friend and let's get this rolling!
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Well-Known Member
Facebook might not be such a good place to do that...just saying. They openly cooperate with police. People get busted from posting on facebook a lot. They even allow police to see in your private messages. There's a documentary on netflix about it.

**but if you're legal, I guess not as much to worry about...


Well-Known Member
For me yeah. I wouldn't be posting shit here either if I wasn't as legal as California says I am. I don't want everyone in my personal Facebook to see the shit I post here either so I made the second account.


Well-Known Member
Not in Iceland yet cof. Walked across tower bridge today. It's the one everyone thinks is london bridge. Walked across that too. Sorry I ain't posted any pics. Having too much fun. Will post things at some point.

Mr. West got me nice and stoned on some lovely livers. Thanks a lot mate (if you read this lol).


Well-Known Member
I've also had the pleasure of sampling Westy's Livers: really effin' good shtuff!

Sounds like you're having one heck of a stay over there, jig!

I hope Mrs. Jig is enjoying herself, too.
Would be tripping me out to think that people in the world give a rat's behind about anything I do, or write, though I secretly hope it becomes a reality in my lifetime.
But thinking about it, and living it are 180-degrees out from each other.
Beaucoup props to her!


What up 600 club

I just got on board with a lumatek and im loving it!
I vegged these for 4 weeks and flower them in 7 gallon planters.
The first is blue dream and the other is purp, both grown from seed, i had some root bound issues and also a mg defic that obviously hindered growth. Suppper happy with the blue dream plant though cant wait to dial her in.


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Well-Known Member
i grew out some nirvana jock horror autos

the strain has a skunk and a haze and NL parent

all of the plants finished really fast, and smelled skunky or fuely

except this one took a couple extra weeks to finish, and smells/tastes distinctly of lemons, so i assume this pheno takes after its haze parent

this spent veg under 400w, but moved to 400+216w, then to 600+216w in flower

can't say i wanna do autos again after getting such varied genetics from what was supposed to be one strain

but i suppose it isn't inherently a bad thing

good bud, tasty smoke. long lasting effect. mood lifting, social.

i know they backcross autos to reclaim desirable traits... i just don't think the potency is there yet


Well-Known Member
Loving the Druban HS, welcome to NW2. And Monkey, looks like a lovely nug you got there. Enjoy the smoke!!!

Sun is shining, wind is here, I expetc clouds at some point, lol. Going to check some of the DOG,s as they looking like they are ready......

Peace and sun rays to all,



Active Member
hey all...been away for a bit...harvested, dried and trimmed my Green a total of 8oz...i could have utilized much more space in my tent but im happy with that...more than enuf to last till next harvest lol...i'll get some pics up in the mornin

its a good smoke, clean and burns to whites ash...i cleaned my bong for this stuff...first hit is kinda musty/earthy...second hit is earthy with a faint blueberry tinge...i really like could use a little heavier stone effect but its not all for me so it is what it is...