Nonbelievers, how did you lose your religion?


Denial of acting smart? Why would I act smart? It's pretty damn intimidating getting in a debate with a bunch of intelligent minds so I just stick to what I'm confident in saying. I'd like to post in the science section of RIU but those people tend to be a hell of alot smarter than me. So for now, I'm just learning.. Or "following" right?

Stop Hurting Yourself, Stop Hurting Yourself.. .
No need for aplogies, nothing has changed. It is just an observation that caught my eye. I despise religion as much as you do man, that does not i have to change who iam or how i view the world now.

Hmmm.. Not to sure how to respond to that so I'll just say that we're all equal. If your views on me have changed since I no longer believe in religion, so be it. Sorry you feel that way bro.
No need for aplogies, nothing has changed. It is just an observation that caught my eye. I despise religion as much as you do man, that does not i have to change who iam or how i view the world now.
I just said sorry since you felt that I view religious people as inferior.. I don't. I view people like CWE inferior, yes, but not because he has his beliefs (because of him as a person). Notice how I love talking to you and other religious minds on RIU, they're cool IMO.
Thats what im saying man, you used to treat wveryone with dignity and respect plus you gave most the benefit of the doubt.

Now, you pick and choose who you want to be cool with... I have learned plenty from being on here and one thing that stuck was to treat everyone equal

I just said sorry since you felt that I view religious people as inferior.. I don't. I view people like CWE inferior, yes, but not because he has his beliefs (because of him as a person). Notice how I love talking to you and other religious minds on RIU, they're cool IMO.
Thats what im saying man, you used to treat wveryone with dignity and respect plus you gave most the benefit of the doubt.

Now, you pick and choose who you want to be cool with... I have learned plenty from being on here and one thing that stuck was to treat everyone equal
Pick and choose? Am I supposed to like somebody who follows me thread to thread insulting my beliefs? Besides him, who do you see me arguing with?
iiMember when both you were yung grasshoppa trolls, nieve, scared, unsure what this world would bring upon you.. but as I told you, you would be fine aslong as we&the others guided you along your way. Now look at you, many thousands of trollage posts later.

;{ You remind me of me.. .
For some reason you are right man...

You got sone funny shit always...

Specialy dat retarded dino

iiMember when both you were yung grasshoppa trolls, nieve, scared, unsure what this world would bring upon you.. but as I told you, you would be fine aslong as we&the others guided you along your way. Now look at you, many thousands of trollage posts later.

;{ You remind me of me.. .
iiMember when both you were yung grasshoppa trolls, nieve, scared, unsure what this world would bring upon you.. but as I told you, you would be fine aslong as we&the others guided you along your way. Now look at you, many thousands of trollage posts later.

;{ You remind me of me.. .
Touching :cry:

Pedobear says thanks
Hmm, the third person who shares my opinion about Heps arrogance? Could be the second or the fourth, I cant remember. We must be wrong though...

Right, like you even bothered to care that numerous people were telling you the same thing, as long as they were all atheists, you are free to ignore them.
Yeah your right man, I hurt people with my attacks... I should commend Hep, and support his views. Pills make you feel better, thats science!
No one said anything about hurt. Do you deny you created personal attacks instead of the more appropriate critically attacking his arguments? Are you trying to shift the goalposts again?
This does sound like a hurt card.

Just sayin, seems both sides share the same tactics after all

How exactly would my post be considered playing the hurt card? Pointing out how personal attacks are not productive logical arguments is not the same as whining about being mercilessly attacked for my views. Criticizing a member for following someone around and harassing them by going OT just to make a personal insult is not pulling the hurt card, it's a legitimate complaint. If you honestly think that I'm playing it, you are welcome to expand on this and explain it but until you do, I will just say bullshit.
I think buddhism makes the most sense out of them all, if the world had to convert all @ once to a currect religion I think Big Buddha wins. <3

Yeah right. That's just a religion with celebrity. We adore it! We don't know it. It is a religion without social morals. Everyone is guilty of past lives. It is a fend for yourself religion.
Hmm, the third person who shares my opinion about Heps arrogance? Could be the second or the fourth, I cant remember. We must be wrong though...

Hey, we aren't keeping lists of what a turd-bird you are being. Please re-connected with Self. You are creating ostisization messages. And gathering a mob.

Be a credit to the Shaman you are. You are espousing a stance you are now sullying.