outdoor plants at 8 weeks


Well-Known Member
hey everyone, i have 4 plants growing outdoors, at 8 weeks, just measured them, the largest is only 5.5 inch, the smallest 4.5 inch. i live in the uk, havent had much sun recently, when i do have sun, theyre placed in full sun. gave them nutes 2 weeks ago, the ones that release small amount of plant food each day for a few month, seemed to help the grow.
as theyre this small, is there anything else i could give them to boost their growth (ideas that i could buy actually in the uk, not stuff i need importing from US etc)
as they already have the miracle grow nutes, dont want to give them something that would burn them, have an adverse effect etc.
also, i germinated them mid may, and put them outdoors june, as theyre only this height, is there any point in continuing growing them tbh? should i expect that they will get bigger? i dont see the point in growing them if im only going to get a joints worth out of the whole 4 or something like that lol


Well-Known Member
they were growing worse before i put the mg in tbh, i put the mg in and it did help a lot, although it still is very stunted yeah. what would be the best method now to do?


Well-Known Member
aside from adding more miracle grow, which there is no point in doing, all i have is sun, water, and time. is there any product that would benefit, help them grow more etc? or should i just give up on them?


Well-Known Member
from experience (which i take it u have growing lol) how much do u reckon the plants will grow by harvest time? hope i at least get over £20 worth of weed at the end of it! enough for me to smoke some each night for a week at least lol


Well-Known Member
hey everyone, i have 4 plants growing outdoors, at 8 weeks, just measured them, the largest is only 5.5 inch, the smallest 4.5 inch. i live in the uk, havent had much sun recently, when i do have sun, theyre placed in full sun. gave them nutes 2 weeks ago, the ones that release small amount of plant food each day for a few month, seemed to help the grow.
as theyre this small, is there anything else i could give them to boost their growth (ideas that i could buy actually in the uk, not stuff i need importing from US etc)
as they already have the miracle grow nutes, dont want to give them something that would burn them, have an adverse effect etc.
also, i germinated them mid may, and put them outdoors june, as theyre only this height, is there any point in continuing growing them tbh? should i expect that they will get bigger? i dont see the point in growing them if im only going to get a joints worth out of the whole 4 or something like that lol
i lold thought they were 5ft 5in and 4ft 5in.cause mine are yours a seedling and you hit em with nutes? you would be better off to buy a few cfls 23w and start over then flower outside starting in shade for a couple days to acclimate to temp,then as much sun as possible it flowers.I go by 8hrs of direct sun a day and works for me.


Well-Known Member
somebeech, how old are your plants? i wish mine were over 5 foot, wouldnt be concerned if they were lol. i put nutes on mine at 6 weeks, as if u have a look at my grow before them, they were really tiny lol. mine surely shouldnt be seedlings at 8 weeks, should they? should surely be well into vegging phase?


Well-Known Member
somebeech, how old are your plants? i wish mine were over 5 foot, wouldnt be concerned if they were lol. i put nutes on mine at 6 weeks, as if u have a look at my grow before them, they were really tiny lol. mine surely shouldnt be seedlings at 8 weeks, should they? should surely be well into vegging phase?
is it worth continuing growing them?
8 WEEKS and no trashem!!Are they getting 8hrs of direct Sun?


Well-Known Member
what do you mean no trashem? no, trash them or no to trashing them lol
theyre getting as much sunlight as possible, from morning to evening, been overcast quite a bit, but still gets quite a bit sunlight, this weekend, it has been quite sunny, so has had more than 8 hours of direct sun


Well-Known Member
Dude mine are at the 9th week and they are about 2 feet tall. something wrong with yours. I would completely restart if i were you.


Well-Known Member
i would restart, but as the only way i can grow is outdoors, i wont have time to grow now, i guess il just grow them, see what happens, then wait til next year to grow more


Well-Known Member
well in my opinion i would say no. just because it is under half a foot at 8 weeks and around that time is should start preflowering. just for the heck of it, let em grow and see how it works out.