Shall I switch to coco to save my fried seedlings??

Should I switch to coco to save them or will this cause too much stress?

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These are my specs.

I have 10 seedlings, all about 12 days old or something.
Anyway, I've had problems since about day 3,
Nute burn, low PH etc.

Now I'm thinking, the only way to save them is to dig 'em up completely, wash the roots with distilled water, and transplant to coco until they can take the FFOF.

What do you guys think?



Active Member
They've actually gotten a little worse since I've taken that pic. Leaves are curling, browning, etc.


Active Member
Please hydro shop closes in an hour and I'm going on a business trip tomorrow night and won't be back for 3 days...


Well-Known Member
Just water less and the plants will be alright in the FFOF...sometimes seedlings will do that if you overwater when using the FFOF because it releases too many nutes too soon. then if you want you can transplant once they are larger into coco or whatever you want. But if you transplant now you will probably harm them more than leaving them would.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you've been feeding the seedlings, in FFOF they don't need food for a couple of weeks. I've been starting seeds and clones in FFOF for over 2 yrs and never had a nute problem, so I don't see where it could be the soil. If you have been feeding, STOP and flush a couple of gals of plain water through each pot.


Active Member
+rep to you,
but dude,
they are like....frying.
Even the strains that I thought were most resilient and strong.
I haven't watered for almost a week and the soil around the roots are still very muddy.
And as long as this continues, this moisture will never be used, and will continue pumping nutes into the few roots they have..


Active Member
The only thing I've fed was a drop of superthrive in a gallon container, 002 to 016 PPM, and that was a week ago


Well-Known Member
Maybe...but probably not...

Sounds like you need more air passing through there...also, did you add any perlite to the FFOF? Because I find it does need a little perlite to help drainage...but either way it doesn't matter if it has been 4 days or 4 weeks...don't water til the tiny little pots are totally dry...and light like packing peanuts...


Active Member
I added like 20% MG perlite, I didn't realize it had micro amount of nutes in it
Like seriously .05 % N and whatnot
SMALL amounts like that, researched it, everybody said these micro amounts are practically meaningless


Well-Known Member
You could water with a little lime mixed in the water, or just add some lime in the top of the soil to help with the pH,....and take a pencil or something and poke holes in the soil all around the plant...that will help the soil dry faster too... the more surface area the faster the soil will make the surface larger so more can reach the air and dry


Well-Known Member
I added like 20% MG perlite, I didn't realize it had micro amount of nutes in it
Like seriously .05 % N and whatnot
SMALL amounts like that, researched it, everybody said these micro amounts are practically meaningless
Anything MG is never pointless...if you had mentioned the MG perlite I would have told you that is the issue...there is just something about MG that tomatoes love and MJ hates...for real. The same content of nutes will do less harm when made by someone else...Like one companies 5-5-5 will be fine...but MG 5-5-5 will just wither up the plants...
Never ever use prenuted soil along with other food to start seedlings...I mean the perlite is adding nutes when you water, and the soil is adding nutes...and if you are using tap water then there are micro nutes in that too...


Well-Known Member
Also probably the MG making the pH too low...
I don't trust however they get the perlite to have nutes so have just avoided the stuff...but our local big name stores don't carry regular not death I started going to my local nursery, and I am glad I


Active Member
Distilled water, but I actually added the MG perlite after I transplanted into 2 gal pots
and they were already experiencing burn before that when they were in peat pots.
But they have definitely gotten WORSE since then.

Based on that last comment, I'm assuming I DO need to transplant after all


Well-Known Member
No...they will pull through, and I don't think they could put too much on perlite that would stay too long...I really think these seedlings will be alright as long as you poke some holes and let them dry, then give only water...plain water...No superthrive, no anything at all...Just water...I only feed my veg plants 2x or so...and even if you veg 6 weeks the FFOF keeps hold of nutes very very well...I even reuse it, and again you don't ever have to feed much...


Well-Known Member
you could try the coco with one and see if it helps with in a few days ?

I mix my Plagron all mix organic soil with 30-40% coco to delute it a bit for my seedlings ..

tho I will continue to mix in a littel coco .. but more like 20-30% in my "veg" and "flower" pots ..


Well-Known Member
yea Im curious so please do that .. allways nice to know if it works if you someday find yourself in the same situation ...